Greetings from the West Coast


New member
Hello all,

I'm new to smoking meats and can't wait to get my Model 2.  According to FedEx tracking it is sitting in Sacramento waiting to be delivered tomorrow.  :D

This looks like a great forum to learn.  I have no idea what I'm doing but hope to soon thanks to all of you who have posted on the forum.

I also make wine so I'll be looking for good smoked meats to go along with the big red's.

I have a few questions I'll post under the correct topic.

Good to have you with us.  Find a good recipe that interests you on here and follow it for your 1st cook.  These are a bit different than your normal smoker.  Once comfortable with a good understanding of what / how these machines do well then start experimenting.
Greetings, Steve!  Welcome to the club!  You made a great decision with the model 2 - great smoker!  The good thing about these smokers is the learning curve is short and easy.  You'll go from novice to pit master in no time!  Walt's right - find a recipe you like in the different sections and try to replicate it as close as possible.  Once you see how your smoker performs, and get the basics down, start experimenting.  The key, at first, is to duplicate success, then modify to taste.

I'm originally from the SoCal area (a long time ago).  Some of the best Cali BBQ I ever had was oak smoked tri-tips!  I still cook them!  I look forward to your participation here, and know that we're here to help, so don't be shy!