Greetings from the (really) balmy Florida Keys


New member
Well my #3 arrived late this afternoon and I have been unpacking it in bright sunshine and 80 degrees. I'm amazed at the build quality of these units and also the lengths that Steve goes to with the packaging. The unit, Auber, extra shelves, cold plate and the freebies(cover, chip screen, rib hooks) all arrived safely. Will season tomorrow since we are going over to friends for dinner and I don't want to leave it alone for its initial run. Perhaps try for some ribs tomorrow afternoon. Also wanted to say a big thank you to all the old timers here on the forum. I am a very experienced griller but a total newbie at serious smoking and your posts really helped me get a handle on what to do. Thanks again.
Welcome aboard, Roger!  I see many happy smokes in your future!  And the grill will probably get very lonely...I hardly ever use my Weber grill and pretty much always go to my #2 for weekend smoking.  Lots of good advice and recipes can be found in the forum, so enjoy.  Cheers!
Welcome aboard, Roger!  80°, huh?  You know, I could be available for a week-long, one-on-one Smokin-It boot camp - at your location, of course! ;D Man, 80° sure sounds nice right now!

Great choice, and it will have you a "pit master" in no time flat! 
Welcome Roger!

I just got back from Key West a few weeks ago. You must experience smoking with your new smoker in the extremes to truely appreciate its full glory and build quality. I also know shipping these units are expensive. Since I'm here in the midwest and haven't yet smoked something in 80 degrees with my #2 I was thinking maybe we could swap locations for a week (you know... to experiment and document our experiences of smoking in the extremes of mother nature). Weather here this last week was hitting -35 with the wind chills. Just imagine the testimonies you could give if we make this happen! You ready for a week swap? If a week isn't long enough we could negotiate some location swap extensions to ensure each of us has ample time to thoroughly conclude our smoking research.  :D
Hi Roger,
Welcome neighbor and fellow Floridian. I'm a hop skip and jump from the keys in Naples. My model #2 arrived yesterday and I am curing/seasoning it today.
I Have a 10 pound Boston butt ready for the initial smoke.  ;D
I'm sure you will enjoy your new smoker and help is readily available from the good folks on this forum.
Cheers, Ralph
Welcome Keith. I am also a Floridian in the Fort Lauderdale area. Good luck with the #3. I have that also and can tell you it is fantastic to smoke with. The best part is the "Lazy Q". I know the Keys very well and can say that Margarita's and the #3 are one heck of a combination.
I still have slots for the Florida BBQ boot camp available, Roger, Ralph and Arnie!  Only until summer time, though. ;)  Man, I'd love some of your weather right now!
DivotMaker said:
I still have slots for the Florida BBQ boot camp available, Roger, Ralph and Arnie!  Only until summer time, though. ;)  Man, I'd love some of your weather right now!

I call first dibs on BBQ swap! Arkansas isn't far enough away to make the swap worthwhile.  ;)