Greetings and Salutations!


New member
Coming to you live and direct from Minneapolis, Minnesota!  We just joined the smoking meat community this year.  The Wife and I started with a 26" Smoke Hollow electric.  Graduated to a 40" Masterbuilt only to return that in order to buy a Traeger Jr. from Costco.  Obviously, I'd be posting on a Traeger forum if I was happy with it.  I'm not.  The Wife isn't either.  Thankfully, Costco says I can return anything at anytime if I'm not completely satisfied.  Once we settle on which Smokin-It model to purchase, the Traeger will be returned.  Where should I post about which model to get?  We are debating between the 2D and 3D.


Adam,  welcome from SE Arizona. Right here is as good a place as any to announce your purchase but always good to read about it under the 2 or 3 section.  If you can swing it go for the 3D. The extra capacity is a real plus.
Welcome from Delaware, Adam!  You have found the right place.  I have a 2 that works well for me, but I agree with Dave that more capacity (3D) is better if the budget allows for it.  Cheers
Adam, Welcome from Southwest Arkansas! I have a #2 and it works well for me but I wish I would have gotten the #3 because of the depth of the #3. You can smoke whole racks of ribs and full packer briskets without cutting them in half. I am in the minority, I'm sure, but I personally would go with the regular #3. I am not a gadget guy and I like the ease of turning the smoker on and not fooling with it anymore. The people that go with the D units love them and I am sure they will chime in. But if you do some research on here you will find many posts about the frustrations of learning the programming with the D models. I never monitor the box temperature, just set it and let it go and have always turned out great BBQ consistently.
Welcome from Texas Adam! With the SI smokers whichever model you decide on you win! I have the #3 analog and have no plans to trade up. I use a maverick 733 to monitor food temps but I dont monitor the box temps as I dont worry about that. The set temps average out to the set point over the length of the smoke. You'll get plenty of feedback so get ready.
This is the perfect place for this question, Adam!  Welcome!!  So many of us went through the same thing, so you're in good company!  Having quite a bit of time with the 1, 2 and 3, I highly recommend the 3D.  I find myself using my 2D a lot, for single butts or smaller items, but I think that's just because I've used it so much!  But, when I'm smoking whole packer briskets (16-20 lbs), or I need a lot of ribs (like the 9 full racks I did on Friday for our truck drivers), there is absolutely NO substitute for the capacity (i.e., depth) of the #3!  It's a cavern that has a lot of BBQ real estate!

Whatever you settle on, rest assured you will have a great smoker, that will outlast, and outperform, anything you've used yet.  You can take your Q to a whole new level!
Hi Adam, Welcome aboard from N'East MA!
Which ever model you settle on I'm sure you will be pleased. I've had the SI#1 for almost
1 1/2 years and almost never monitor the box temperature. When I do it's about 2 to 3 month intervals and it's just to see if anything has far all is good. I guess I also subscribe to Jimmy's school of thought....Keep it simple!
Welcome Adam from your neighbor to the west (ND).

I have a #3 and am completely happy with it and have no plans to upgrade. But, if I were to get a new one, it would most likely be a #3D.

Regardless, the #3 size is where it is at. I would not consider a smaller one as I like to smoke whole racks of ribs and full packer briskets.

The #2 is still a solid unit and many use it and it is plenty big for them. I typically smoke for 3 people, but usually smoke extra which I freeze and use to additional meals down the road. Smoked food often tastes even better after it is frozen and unthawed. The smoke tends to permeate the meat and more evenly dispurse which results in excellent reheated results.