New member
So I now understand that wood turning to ash is really a non issue in the sense that those that have it happen are not complaining of a creosote bitter taste result, but wanting the wood to smoke longer during the smoke. That is why they are foiling, boating the wood, and using layers of foil under the wood chunks.

Admission #1
I incorrectly assumed that those that were concerned about the ash vs charcoal were having a creosote bitter tasting product, thus made a feeble attempt at a poll to determine how many people were experiencing this and at what level of ash it was happening.

Admission #2 the poll, consisting of multiple question is not only confusing but very difficult to navigate

Now I think Gregg has given the best, most complete explanation of the ash, charcoal, foil, boating or not that I have heard.

I think Gregg supplies a much easier method to keep the wood producing smoke for a longer duration of time during the smoke and is in fact much more in keeping with Lazy Q than boating, foiling or whatever.  (SCROLL DOWN AND SEE HIS POST)

So gentlefolk, I apologize for the confusing poll, the wrong assumption, but I am thankful for a forum where people can participate and share their experiences and solutions. even polls even when they have completely misunderstood the issue.

I am going to attempt to change the title on Question 6 and ask a moderator to delete the other 5 poll questions. The information and member input should help many if they choose to give it a try. My thanks to Gregg, Brian, and David, and Gene for their input.
Pork Belly said:
This is a flawed question, another choice should be "My food is never bitter"
I understand where your coming from, but question #6 is only to be answered by those that answer yes to questions #2,3,4,5. Otherwise it is as David said, “ does not apply” or “not applicable”

Hope that makes sense.
I get what you are saying. I am wondering how many folks have experienced the "bitter" situation. While I have mad a few meals that were, "Dam that got a little smokey" I have never tasted bitter. I am not someone that tolerates the flavor of bitter. I believe IPA beers taste like homeless people smell and bitter is not a positive a good thing, thankfully it has not come up in the smoking.
"I get what you are saying. I am wondering how many folks have experienced the "bitter" situation"

Myself too, and David I think as well. Perhaps if enough people that talk about the extra precautions, (foiling, boating and such) will participate in the poll, we can get some facts.
A note on the poll though,
"If you answer question #1, be sure and answer the appropriate  followup question"
Some who have answered and did not, please go back and answered the followup question for your reported percentage or ash.
So far no one has reported any bitter tasting with any percentage of ash. At the end of 10 days we will tally it all up and post the results in one post.
Thank you for your participation!
Doug;  I also have not experienced the "bitter" taste on any of my smokes. I have always used the wood qty recommendations that I have seen posted on this site.. I still remember my first smoke from a few years ago (pork butt) and thought that I would never get a smoke flavor from only 7-8Oz's of hickory.. I was certainly wrong.

I have had a few "all ash" leftovers on my smokes (especially in my hot spot) but in many cases I will have some small charcoal pieces left over 
kona77 said:
Doug;  I also have not experienced the "bitter" taste on any of my smokes. I have always used the wood qty recommendations that I have seen posted on this site.. I still remember my first smoke from a few years ago (pork butt) and thought that I would never get a smoke flavor from only 7-8Oz's of hickory.. I was certainly wrong.

I have had a few "all ash" leftovers on my smokes (especially in my hot spot) but in many cases I will have some small charcoal pieces left over

Thanks Gene, did you go through and answer at least two questions? Appreciate it if you did and if you didn't would you answer the two that apply to you. How are you liking the 3D. I'll be your the hit of your neighborhood.
Pork Belly said:
I get what you are saying. I am wondering how many folks have experienced the "bitter" situation. While I have mad a few meals that were, "Dam that got a little smokey" I have never tasted bitter. I am not someone that tolerates the flavor of bitter. I believe IPA beers taste like homeless people smell and bitter is not a positive a good thing, thankfully it has not come up in the smoking.

I am with Brian on this.

I have had some smokes where it seemed a little too smoky, but I don't remember ever getting a bitter taste.

I maybe a little dumb, but I don't really understand the poll part of this thread at all.  ???
“I maybe a little dumb, but I don't really understand the poll part of this thread at all.  ???”

Brian you sir are certainly not dumb! My purpose was to gather some facts as to why it is such an issue whether the chunks turn to ash or charcoal. I too have never had results of bitter creosote taste (except the beans I meantioned and I know why that happened) nor even has Dave except his one experience when he kept refilling the wood box. Maybe I’m the “dumb” one trying to understand why so many are so concerned with the wood turning to ash or charcoal, spending time foiling, boating, etc if they were not getting getting a creosote (bitter) taste! So Facts is what I was/am after.
Now if it is the layout of the poll part, I fully understand as the way I layer it out is bulky and confusing, and I wish it could have been all together.

Trufully, non of us are dumb, some of us just operate in deeper states of confusion than others, LOL. I have no idea if I have cleared anything up or not but I hope so to some degree.
EFGM said:
“I maybe a little dumb, but I don't really understand the poll part of this thread at all.  ???”

Brian you sir are certainly not dumb! My purpose was to gather some facts as to why it is such an issue whether the chunks turn to ash or charcoal. I too have never had results of bitter creosote taste (except the beans I meantioned and I know why that happened) nor even has Dave except his one experience when he kept refilling the wood box. Maybe I’m the “dumb” one trying to understand why so many are so concerned with the wood turning to ash or charcoal, spending time foiling, boating, etc if they were not getting getting a creosote (bitter) taste! So Facts is what I was/am after.
Now if it is the layout of the poll part, I fully understand as the way I layer it out is bulky and confusing, and I wish it could have been all together.

Trufully, non of us are dumb, some of us just operate in deeper states of confusion than others, LOL. I have no idea if I have cleared anything up or not but I hope so to some degree.

Hey Doug,

This was Gregg FYI, not Brian.

I said the "dumb" thing in jest because I didn't understand how the poll worked. I am obviously VERY smart and will usually tell you that.  :P

I typically do not get ash because I use the ramp-up method and I use quality Smokinlicious wood. I have never had to use and really hope I do not ever have to use a foil boat. I know it is not that hard, but it is the principle of the thing and goes against my Lazy-Q goals.

So, my method is to fire the old girl up at 150 degrees and run it until I am about halfway down from my second up-cycle (I have analog) and then increase to my smoking temperature.

My goal is to get the wood smoking, but reduce the amount of time that the element is pounding away at my wood at full power. If you think of it this way, if you leave the element on full blast until you get to 225-250 degrees (or whatever you are smoking at), that is a long time with the element pounding away at your wood at full power and if your wood is going to ignite, this is when it is going to happen.

So, my smokes typically run something like this (just guessing at times):

1. Ramps up to 150 pretty fast depending on the ambient temps. So, lets say it takes 20 minutes to get up to 150 and it usually shoots past 150 up to 160-165 the first couple of times. Remember I have an analog #3.

2. Then the element turns off and the temp gently goes down to let's set 140 before it kicks in again. Let's say that this takes 10 minutes.

3. So, now I am roughly 30 minutes into my smoke, and the heat starts going backup again and hits 160-165 again, and then starts going back down.

4. In another 10 minutes, the temp has receded back down to the roughly 150 sweet spot in the middle of my up/down cycles, and it is at this point that I increase my temp to my final smoking temperature.

Now, this may seem to go against my Lazy-Q goals, but really it isn't because I do not pay attention to these up and down cycles unless I do not have anything better to do. I have gone through this enough times, that I know the roughly 45 minute time frame is going to get me pretty close to where I want to be. So, I just set a timer and kick the temp up after 45 minutes. Easy Peazy.

Now, I am just guessing, but if I had a digital smoker like many of you guys do, I would probably do the same thing except since you do not see the up and down cycles like analog users do, you might get away with only a 30 minute ramp-up period. So, I would just program the unit to increase to the final temp at around 30-45 minutes. The 30 minutes might be enough to accomplish what I do in my analog in 45 minutes. I don't know. I am just guessing. But, after a couple of test smokes, you will find the sweet spot.

I am not sure how helpful this is, but it has been working for me for several years and no bitter tasting smokes. So, I am going to go with it until someone comes up with an easier method.
