GFCI Trips - brand new model 2. Replaced the element - now what?


New member
My brand spanking new model two trips the GFCI.  I am certain it is not the GFCI (tried on other GFCI, and replaced the first one tripped and that one was a full 20 amp unit, and all the GFCI's work with other appliances).  I took the back off the first unit, checked the ground wire (silly but a good check), and I measured leakage to ground of the element and got a reading of several ohms.  So I convinced smokin-it to send me a new element.  It checked out at zero ohms before install so I thought I would be good.  Installed it and ran it a bit to cook off any residual oils or who knows what, and in a few minutes that one popped the gfci also.  I should and will check the resistance from element to ground again.....


I am so frustrated.  And I would return the thing if I did not have to disassemble the base and pack the entire unit up AND pay for shipping!    So far a terrible experience.   
I have the model 2 analog and plug it into a GFCI outlet all the time with no issues.

I'm not clear from your post if you've tried plugging your model 2 into a "non-GFCI" outlet. Does it work if you do that?

I had a GFCI go bad recently around my pool and the pool tech replaced it with a brand new one.  It was bad, too, so he had to get another one.  That one worked.  Sometimes bad outlets end up back on store shelves to be sold again.
Thanks for the reply.  It does work fine on a none gfci outlet.  And I have tried it on several gfci outlets with same failure.  The first element had a measurable leakage to ground through the element.  The replacement did not at first but does now.    Today I ran it empty for a few hours to see if drying the element helped somehow.  Will test and measure the leakage tomorrow and update this post. 
woodsbaypoint said:
Thanks for the reply.  It does work fine on a none gfci outlet.  And I have tried it on several gfci outlets with same failure.  The first element had a measurable leakage to ground through the element.  The replacement did not at first but does now.    Today I ran it empty for a few hours to see if drying the element helped somehow.  Will test and measure the leakage tomorrow and update this post.

Well, as an electrical dummy, I've reached the end of my ability to contribute.  It sure sounds like there is a problem somewhere in your model 2.  Maybe there is moisture somewhere  in the neighborhood of where the element connects with the power or perhaps there is a loose wire or wire with abraded insulation in that area.

Perhaps one of the experts here will come by with better information.

Good luck!  I r.eally love my Model 2 and hope you can get yours running
woodsbaypoint said:
Thanks for the reply.  It does work fine on a none gfci outlet.  And I have tried it on several gfci outlets with same failure.  The first element had a measurable leakage to ground through the element.  The replacement did not at first but does now.    Today I ran it empty for a few hours to see if drying the element helped somehow.  Will test and measure the leakage tomorrow and update this post.

I've attached two links which may or may not be of any help. I do have a couple of questions.
1. You say the smoker works fine on a non gfci circuit.  Have you checked for leakage when connected to the non-gfci circuit?
2. 2d element "did not" at first.  Did not trip or did not show leakage?
3. Are you measuring the current flowing to the smoker and return via the neutral using a splitter and clamp meter?
I had a problem a few years back.  Bad ground lug connection on the extension cord. No gfci (old house); just blowing the circuit breaker periodically. Fixed it.  Then intermittantly.  Something must have fouled during the cord assembly.  Anyway, replaced the cord and all is well.
Remodeled the kitchen and gfci outlets galore. Some were very touchy depending upon what was plugged in.  Had the electrician replace.  All is well. I do hope you get the problem fixed.
It still trips the GFCI.  I measured the leakage to ground with a quality digital ohm meter.  There should be ZERO resistance to the ground measured from the ground lug on the cord to either of the other two prongs of the cord.  They sent me a replacement element and that one measured zero before I heated it up after installing in, and now it shows leakage to the ground again.  The owner at smokin-it claims they don't have bad batches of elements, but I call BS on that.  I will send him more pictures of the new element with the ohm meter reading and see if he does anything.  Frankly, this puzzles me, since it is a very simple circuit inside a metal box.  Nothing fancy here. 
I guess waiting for Steve to get back to you after sending photos illustrating your test procedure is best.  Just for my own knowledge, and please correct me if I am mistaken I have a question or two.  Possibly 3.

You say there should be 0 resistance on the power cord from ground to the hot and neutral. Did you get 0?  Was the cord detached from the smoker for the test to isolate it from the smoker? While you have the cord disconnected from the smoker, it is a good time to check the cord for continuity.  Also during the test, if getting good reading, move the cord a bit and see if you still have continuity.

For the resistance on the element, (120v X 120v= 14400/800 watt element) did you get 18 ohms?  (standard accepted formula).  Another acceptable method is 120v/8 amp which would yield 15 ohms.  Did you get a higher or lower reading of the resistance?
If you used a clamp meter on the power cord to measure current, what reading did you get from the hot/black source?  What reading did you get from the white/neutral return?  The reading should be the same for both under load. If there is a lower reading on the white/neutral, there is leakage as stated in the link in the above reply.
Now you have to isolate the source of the leakage.

I am still not clear how you are measuring leakage at ground when the smoker is in operation.  You don't provide much info so I cannot help in that matter.
I realize this is a lot of information and required effort on your part but your initial post did ask for ideas and solutions.  So there you are. If on the other hand, you are just not happy with the smoker's performance, discuss with Steve. You may have to pay return shipping but you will get a refund and can move on since you are not happy with the owners answer. Feel free to PM me if you like.
Not the OP, but I just got a new S2,  after lurking on this forum for a while, and it tripped the GFCI within a few minutes of turning on.  I thought it could be moisture in the element, so I plugged it into a Non GFCI outlet and ran it for a few hours.  Then tried it in the GFCI and it tripped right away.    I took it apart and using a VOM,  got a reading of 18 ohms from one lead of the element to the other, which sounds right, but when I ran a check from one lead of the element to the ground of the box, the reading was around 6,000 ohms.  ( that is with wires removed from the heating element).  Steve suggested I try removing the ground wire and cleaning off where it is attached to the body, then reattaching it.  Still tripped.  He sent a new element, which arrived in no time.  I checked it got 18 ohms from one lead to the other,  but infinity from either lead to the metal bracket towards the rear of the element.  Installed it,  ran it for an hour just to test, and it never tripped the GFCI, so I think the problem is solved for me.