Getting Smoke Started for Low-temp Smoking


New member
So I'm trying to smoke some garlic at about 180*-190* (and the temp outside is below freezing, so the box is starting out pretty cold).  I'm having a hard time getting the smoke started before it's time to pull the garlic because it's done.  I have a #3D (so it's supposed to have tight temp control) - but I'm wondering if that is part of the problem in that the temp inside is more of a gradual increase that isn't heating the wood enough for it to smoke.  I've tried it twice now, and the first time, I didn't get any smoke at all...and the second time, I got smoke for maybe about 10 minutes out of the ~2 hours the garlic was in the smoker.

Here's what I did the first time...trying to make sure that I got the wood smoking, I put the garlic into the smoker (that had a cold internal temp because it's cold outside - and the wood was same temp), programmed the PID for first step at 250* for .2 hours (I figured it should take less than 12 minutes to get the wood smoking), and the second step was at 190* for 1.8 hours.  After about 45 minutes, I came out and no smoke...smoker was only at about 145* (so it was already into the second step).  The second step finished at 2 hours, pulled out the garlic, which was cooked a bit, no hint of smoke at all...not quite cooked to softness I wanted.

The second try was to bump up the time for the first step to .5 hours at 250*, then 1.5 hours at 190*.  After it was finished, the garlic was cooked a bit more than the first try, but after I let it all cool, when I pulled out the wood chunk, it looked like the outside darkened a little bit but it was not producing any smoke and cold to the touch (even though I let the smoker cool down after being "at" 250 for 1/2 hour and then 190 for 1.5 hours). Again, complete failure to get any smoke on the garlic.

Any suggestions?  My first thought was to set the first step on the PID to 250 for 2 hours and wait and watch for the smoke to start coming out, then turn off the smoker and reprogram it to the temp/time that I want now that the smoke is being generated.

Side question: is there any way to change the temp/time on the #3D PID mid-smoke (without shutting it off and resetting the "recipes")?  For example, I'm 8 hours into smoking a pork shoulder at 225*, and my "recipe" is to smoke at 225 for 20 hours (because I'm using a different thermometer than the included one) but I realize after 8 hours that I want to speed it up a little bit and bump the temperature to 250* there a way to change the temp on the fly, or do I just have to go through the hassle of turning it off and reprogramming recipe 1?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Hey Ben,

I'm a little confused about this one!  What kind of wood are you using, and what's the source of the wood?  It's very unusual to not have that 1200 w element producing smoke, unless your wood is green/very moist.  Also, when you say it was cold, how cold was it?  I've never had wood not start smoking within a 50-70° rise in box temp (when the element is full-on), so I'm guessing it could be your wood.  Have you had these same results smoking meat?

As far as programming:  Yes, you can change the program on the fly.  Just press SET, and adjust your C1-C6 settings.  When you complete the programming, it will go to the new settings.  For a delicate smoke, like your garlic, you might even consider pre-heating the smoker (I know we're not supposed to).  Get the smoke going, then open up and add your garlic.  This is not like smoking ribs. 

Until we get the full D-model manual done, you can download the WPS-1500GPH manual at  This may help, now that you have an idea how the unit works.
It sounds like you could benefit from using an AMNTS from A-MAZE-N Products:

I have both a an AMMPS and a 6" and a 12" AMNTS model.

These smokers are great for cold smoking and low temp smoking as you don't even need to use your SI burner unless you require heat. They can be used while smoking at temps of 225 or less.

One other thing I would recommend if you aren't interested in the A-MAZE-N smokers is to use chips or pellets as they will start smoking at lower temps. Use with the chip screen if you have one or a foil boat if you don't.
DivotMaker said:
Hey Ben,

I'm a little confused about this one!  What kind of wood are you using, and what's the source of the wood?  It's very unusual to not have that 1200 w element producing smoke, unless your wood is green/very moist.  Also, when you say it was cold, how cold was it?  I've never had wood not start smoking within a 50-70° rise in box temp (when the element is full-on), so I'm guessing it could be your wood.  Have you had these same results smoking meat?

As far as programming:  Yes, you can change the program on the fly.  Just press SET, and adjust your C1-C6 settings.  When you complete the programming, it will go to the new settings.  For a delicate smoke, like your garlic, you might even consider pre-heating the smoker (I know we're not supposed to).  Get the smoke going, then open up and add your garlic.  This is not like smoking ribs. 

Until we get the full D-model manual done, you can download the WPS-1500GPH manual at  This may help, now that you have an idea how the unit works.
Thanks for the tips/response.  I'm fairly new to the Smokin It (just got it first week of january), so I haven't done too many other smokes to know what "normal" is...

As far as the wood, I was using some hickory that I just got from SmokinLicious.  Outside temperature was about 30-34*, so close to freezing.
NDKoze said:
It sounds like you could benefit from using an AMNTS from A-MAZE-N Products:

I have both a an AMMPS and a 6" and a 12" AMNTS model.

These smokers are great for cold smoking and low temp smoking as you don't even need to use your SI burner unless you require heat. They can be used while smoking at temps of 225 or less.

One other thing I would recommend if you aren't interested in the A-MAZE-N smokers is to use chips or pellets as they will start smoking at lower temps. Use with the chip screen if you have one or a foil boat if you don't.
I've got an AMNPS that I used on my MES30 (until the element fried the wiring), but I've read several threads that said they don't work that well without adding a couple holes in the bottom (which I'm not quite ready to commit to just to use the AMNPS).  I think I'll give it another go with the new Amazen tube that I just got for Christmas to see how that works.
I have not altered my #3 at all and have had great success with my tubes (not quite as successful with my AMMPS). I only use it for cold smokes and remove the smoke box and rest it right in between the bars of the element on the back end of the tube and them rest the front of the tube on the front of the smoke box frame.

If you want to use it for warm/hot smoking I would place it on the lowest rack and have a rack above it with some foil to prevent drippings from falling on it and dousing the smoldering ball.
AF, one of the misconceptions in both your attempts is that the box runs at your temp setting for the time that you program.  I would never do it with meat but for something like your garlic, I'd let the Auber run until smoke starts before putting the garlic in the smoker.  My other advice to you would be to break down your chunks to much smaller sizes or use chips if you have them. 
SuperDave said:
AF, one of the misconceptions in both your attempts is that the box runs at your temp setting for the time that you program.  I would never do it with meat but for something like your garlic, I'd let the Auber run until smoke starts before putting the garlic in the smoker.  My other advice to you would be to break down your chunks to much smaller sizes or use chips if you have them.
Yeah, I guess I assumed that when I put in a high temp for the beginning that the element would heat up to a high temp real fast to get to the set temperature quickly...and I think I'm wrong.  I think the auber pretty much ramps up the temp slowly so that it takes longer to get the wood heated to a temp for it to start smoking.

Thanks for the tips - and I think I'm going to try some pellets next instead of chunks.