Getting better at this! Pork Shoulder


New member
Nothing really, just wanted to share, this seemed to go over really well, made it for a work food day, so I was hurried to get it pulled and forgot to take a picture.

7lb shoulder at about 14 hours with oak and pecan at 250.  Pulled around 200 IT.  Anyone else's shoulders take at least 2 hrs/lb?  It seems like I'm a little on the slow side somehow, but pretty consistently even at 250.

Edit: I'm guessing, and have assumed, it's because of the lower weights of my butts, I'm usually smoking between 6-7 lb butts, but the larger the cut the more consistent the cook time.  Sound right?


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This sounds perfectly normal to me.

I smoke my butts at 225 and they pretty reliably take 2 hours per pound plus I usually try to rest for 2-4 hours.
Thanks for the reassurance,  I just wanted to make sure that was normal, since some people have mentioned anywhere between 1.5-2 hours a lb, but I've never really gotten any less than 2 hrs/lb in 3-4 butt smokes.  For reference, I haven't wrapped.
I find meat is meat  and  due to collagen and fat me will cook at its own right some cook fast so it looks low   

I pull mine at IT of 205 if cooking with my infrared grills and it works perfect

200 if low and slow butt prefer the infrared cooks due to time.  8 lb. butt in 4 to 5 hrs
I used to go to 200-205, but many of us have found that results are actually a little better at 190-195. :)
I'll have to give the 190-195 a try here on my next go around.  If it saves time and has better outcomes, all the better.
I find that 200+ starts to get a little mushy texture for me. At 190-195, it is still super easy to pull, yet has a better texture to it.