Freezing pork that has already been marinated


New member
So we had plans to smoke 20lbs of Boston butt this weekend, however, due to the 20" plus rain we have gotten the last 2 days, we had to cancel the party.

They were purchased on Wednesday and was not previously frozen.  Last night I marinated them and was planning on putting them in the smoker around midnight tonight.  Is it okay to freeze them as they currently are and smoke them at a later date?

Hey Matt, hope you and yours are OK!  You guys have really gotten pounded this week!  Unbelievable!

How did you marinade your butt?  Was it a brine, or a marinade? (There's a big difference). 

Either way, you'll be OK to freeze it until you get off the Ark.  It should survive the next 40 days in the fridge. ;)  If you used a brine, rinse it really well under cold water, dry it, and vacuum seal it (if possible).  If it was a marinade, you can rinse, or just package and freeze.  Marinades only flavor the surface, whereas brining penetrates the meat and involves salt, so you want to rinse that off the surface as much as possible.
Thank you, looks like we won't get any water in our house but our yard and street is completely under.  Praying for those who aren't making out so well.

It was more of a marinade/rub with a base of mustard.  Nothing was if it's okay I will just freeze them as is or if it's better to wash first I can do that as well.

Thanks for the info!