Franklin MasterClass Brisket in SI#2 - Couple Questions


New member
My wife got me a MasterClass subscription for Christmas, and first class I took was Aaron Franklin's.  It was quite good, many things I had already heard, but a few new things as well.  I have a couple questions that I hope people here can help me with.

1. I am going to get a Costco prime and cook it whole.  But I have a #2 and I'm sure it will not lay flat.  I have heard people mention using a coke/beer can to help.  How exactly is this done?  Can on side or standing up?
2. I will wrap in butcher paper and he says to do at end of stall.  But he goes by time, like 8 hrs into 275 degree cook.  Has anybody done it this way or should I still go by temperature?
3. The biggest difference from what I have typically done is after taking brisket out.  He says to just rest on counter in butcher paper, not in cooler.  I think this is to keep the brisket from cooking too much more.  Anyone have thoughts on this?

Thanks ahead of time for any input. 
I'm by no means an expert, back yard duffer is more accurate!
#1- either roll and tie or fold over
#2- Aaron knows his stall and how long.  You do know he has his own line of beef, so his meat is more consistent than what us mortals can buy, and afford!  Watch "your" stall and when temp starts to rise wrap.
3#- putting hot meat in cooler will keep cooking up until temp comes down to around 140°, resting on counter speeds up the non cooking temp.
The above is the way this backyard duffer understands it anyway, good luck.
Paul B
I'm by no means an expert, back yard duffer is more accurate!
#1- either roll and tie or fold over
#2- Aaron knows his stall and how long.  You do know he has his own line of beef, so his meat is more consistent than what us mortals can buy, and afford!  Watch "your" stall and when temp starts to rise wrap.
3#- putting hot meat in cooler will keep cooking up until temp comes down to around 140°, resting on counter speeds up the non cooking temp.
The above is the way this backyard duffer understands it anyway, good luck.
Paul B
I have a 3D - so.... I don’t have personal experience with fitting a packer in the #2. My dad has a #2 and I believe he cut the packer in half the time he smoked one. Others on here will shove it and make it fit, as it will shrink over time and you are ok. The coke can, I would think you could do both vertical or horizontal, which ever way it would help get it in there. But, those with a #2 will chime in and help with this.

Also, with our smokers, I don’t know if you need to wrap. I’ve tried it and didn’t really notice a difference. With foil, I didn’t care for the end result on the bark. But butcher paper in our style of smoker, I don’t know if it helps the way it does for live fire, off-set smokers. But, give it a try and see what you like. My suggestion is to wrap when the bark is set to your preference. I think that is really why people wrap, to keep the bark where they like it.

I am one that wraps in foil when the brisket is done, then I keep it in the cooler until its time to slice and eat. Did he mention how long the brisket is sitting out on the counter? He is serving brisket and is done usually after 4-5 hours of service at his restaurant, at least from what I remember his hours aren’t long. I guess it just depends on how long you need to rest the brisket and how warm you want it to be when you serve it. Again, try it out both ways and see what you prefer.

But - let us know what your results are with the varying styles. Always neat to hear how everyone goes about their process.

Side note - did you get access to all the Master Class offerings? Just curious. I almost did the buy one get one around New Years time but I didn’t.
barelfly said:
Did he mention how long the brisket is sitting out on the counter?
Side note - did you get access to all the Master Class offerings? Just curious.
Barelfly, thanks for the reply and here are answers to your questions.  For the rest, the goal is to get to 140-150 degress, with time being 30-120 mins depending on environment.  This was not in reference to how he does it at his restaurant, but in teaching how to do a brisket at home.
The way MasterClass is set up now you get all content.  There is no option to get a single class. I've done a couple now and they are really good.  I also got the buy one get one free
You cannot expect the same results from interchanging times and temps from a large offset smoker and a 2D cooker.  This is an apples to oranges comparison.  Large offsets have massive airflow.  The 2D cooker has much less airflow. 

Mad Scientist BBQ (YouTube) talks about airflow and cook temperatures on large offsets vs. smaller cookers. 

They were doing brisket on a Weber on America's Test Kitchen recently. They went through 500# to come up with the ultimate way to do it on the Weber. Anyway, they were big on making sure the temp hit 205. I personally don't think it matters if you use paper or foil for the wrap and think Franklin uses paper because it saves money. BTW- I have eaten his brisket and it is probably the best I have ever had.
Good comments above.  Definitely different using SI#2 than an offset. The brisket came out good, best I have done. 

Here's my takeaway from Franklin's MasterClass and what I did.
1. Brisket was Costco Prime Full Packer (14lb).  I looked for thicker flat as main criteria.  I trimmed it as Franklin did, to the best of my ability, but I did take a bit more off so that it would lay flat.  Will not do Choice Flat again I think.
2. Mustard slather, Kosher Salt, course Ground pepper 50/50.  Let sit in refrigerator for ~4hrs to let surface dry out a bit.
3. I put on at midnight at 225F, no temperature monitoring.  5.5 oz Hickory.  I didn't have Post Oak but will try next time
4. At 7am I checked temp with instant read.  175F, so then wrapped in paper just as Franklin. Franklin says to wrap just after stall.  Turned up smoker to 250F.
5. Took off at 205F internal, based mainly on thermometer/toothpick feel.  I could not "feel" the doneness like Franklin by feeling through the paper.
6. I rested in same paper wrap outside of cooler for an hour until it came down to 155F.  This was new practice for me as I usually put in cooler wrapped in towels.  I think this made a difference to prevent run on cooking.
7.  Unwrapped, sliced and ate immediately.  It was best I have done.  First slices of flat not quite as moist as I like, but from there to the point was really good.

Now, lets see if I can repeat.
Sounds like you had a great success.  I get prime packers at Costco as well.  I noticed one day that choice brisket was a tad more per lb than prime.  No brainer.