Fly Repelent

Pork Belly

Ever since my #3 went into service we have seen an increased number of flies our deck. My wife found this simple natural solution. Slice a lemon in half and stud it with cloves. Place the studded lemon clove side up in a shallow dish and put it on the table. The flies go away, not sure why and I don't care. It was a cheap and natural solution. There is apparently some type of chemical reaction between the acid in the lemon and the clove, you notice a light lemon smell and no flies.


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You must have the northern flys......I did as you said this morning , put 8 cloves in half a lemon, down south the flys must see this as an appetizer, I had one land on the polder wire and look around for awhile, but, the SI2 is chugging away, I'll have results later. :D
They are likely Yankee Flies, or you may not have enough clove. As seen in the photo my wife put over twenty in there. We continue to have good success with these, they stay out until withered then replace it.
I just figured awhile ago, the cloves are about $90 a pound!!  about 6 bucks for 1.25 oz. I'll take your word for the effectiveness of this, I'm gonna swat and save the cloves for holiday hams.  ;)