First use of Smoker #2 and Auber PID few questions


New member
Smoked a pork loin ended up turning out fine, however had a few questions about using the PID and smoker.  I am a new B please be patient  :)

The instruction for Auber and Smoker are a little confusing for me, here are a few questions:

1.  I set the smoker temp at 225 as well as the C1 for 226 w F for 155.  The reading on the left screen never got to 225 only to 190.  The F temp only ever got to 153.  I had it on for 3 hours.  Any idea why it never reached the desired temp?

2.  I think I may have put probe 1 in the wrong place.  What is the typical standard?

3.  Is there a guide anywhere as far as where to place different kinds of meet and what to program the steps?  I only used the c1 cycle. 

Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi rbc, (by the way, a first name and town in your signature line is welcomed, so we know who you are).

If you are running a stock SI with the Auber, you always set the smoker dial to 250.  By setting it at 225, you throttled the Auber controller, so there was no way it could reach the set temp.

Probe placement is a little tricky, with the drop-in probe, and certainly can effect the reading the Auber gets.  The best way to control the outcome is to find a place to clip the probe where it is up high, but not touching the sides, and run an autotune with it in that location.  Then, always try to put it in that location during cooking.  The key is consistency.  The wall-mount probe totally eliminates this variable, and that's all I use.

Here's a few basic Auber programs that you can set in your recipe saves:

B1:  Brisket profile
C01  225          E01  F  F01  195
C02  140          E02  t  t02  4.0
C03-C08:  All zeroes, with time as the trigger.
This will bring the brisket to 195, smoking at 225.  When the internal temp triggers step 2, it will drop the box temp to 140 to hold it.

B2:  Low and Slow Sirloin Tip Roast or Prime Rib
C01  205          E01  F  F01  130
C02-C08  All zeroes, with time as the trigger
This will slowly smoke a sirloin tip roast, or prime rib, until it hits medium-rare.  Remove meat, rest, and reverse-sear in a hot oven or grill to finish the outside and make a crust.

C1:  Whole chicken profile:
C01  275          E01  F  F01  165
C02-C08  All zeroes, with time as the trigger
This will smoke a whole chicken, or turkey, to an internal temp of 165.  Remove the bird when IT is reached.

C2:  Poultry 2
Leave this the same as C1, and let the user change it.  I, personally, never use a different setting for poultry - C1 is my "go to."  Many try to smoke to a higher temp, like 350, to get a "crispy" skin, but the bird is done before the smokers reach that temp.  You could include C2 as:
C01  350          E01  F  F01  165
C02-C08  All zeroes, with time as the trigger
F1 and F2:  Fish I don't smoke fish, so maybe someone else has an idea on this?  Sorry - just not in my repertoire. 

P1:  Pork butt for Pulled Pork:
C01  235          E01  F  F01  195
C02  140          E02  t  t02  4.0
C02-C08  All zeroes, with time as the trigger
Similar to the brisket profile.  Will smoke until 195 internal temp, then hold.

P2:  "No Peek" Ribs!
C01  235          E01  t  t01  6.5
C02-C08  All zeroes, with time as the trigger
Ribs take 5-6 hours, and must be checked for doneness.  These are one of the few "time-based" cooks in the SI, so no programming needed; just a constant set temp.  Use a water pan, on the floor of the smoker, and don't open the door until at least 4.5 hours into the smoke.  No foil needed; just moist, tender ribs, every time!
+1 on Tony's post, as for checking the ribs, use a toothpick. Just insert the pick between two bones, if it feels like a knife going into warm butter and you can pull the meat back without breaking the pick they are done. Also if you want can add sauce and cook an additional 30min. I have done them both ways and prefer to put sauce on b/4 serving the ribs. Just a matter of what works for you.
Thank you so much! Very helpful! You think that info would be available in the guides the send with both the smoker and auber.  Or, I may have missed it.  Thank you for your help!

Jake Potter
Jake, that's pretty new, and I haven't posted it in the instructions section yet, but will today.  Glad to help!