First Smokin' It Brisket- What Just Happened?


New member
So... Here are the specifics:
3D wifi
16 lb. select brisket from Sam's that I might have trimmed a little too much.
Basic rub with no binder sat covered in the fridge for about 12 hours.
8 ounces total of hickory and apple.
Only about 30 min's. from the fridge to the smoker.
Put it on last night at 10:00 on the middle rack with one probe in the flat and one in the point.
Temp set at 237 and I was fully prepared to wait until 2:00 or so this afternoon. Woke up at 5:00 and checked the controller and the flat was 209 and the point was 200!!! Confirmed both with a Thermapen. Yanked it off and covered it in foil. let it rest for 2 hrs.
The point and flat pulled apart with minimal effort.
First couple of slices off of the end of the flat were just a little bit dry. I guess that is to be expected and it will get more moist the further in I go later for dinner. The point was just shy of juicy. I'd call it moist, but definitely not dry. And both the point and flat were pull apart tender.
I went back and double checked the temp probes with my Therma Pro and the total range was no more than 10 degrees between the Therma Pro, internal probe, and the 2 external probes.
With all that said, how did I just do a decent job on a 16 lb. (pre-trim), select brisket at 237 degrees in only 7 hrs.?
That’s interesting - but just how it goes at times. My dad smoked a 13lb brisket in his #2 last week and it took 24 hours. I think it was a choice grade.

Glad it turned out well for you though! And welcome to the site!
I normally do brisket (and butts and ribs) at 225 so mine takes longer.  At the temp you set I would expect it to be finished sooner rather than later.  If your set/cooking temp was good, make a note of everything and adjust accordingly for you next smoke. 
I see there was a separate question/report of a 16lb brisket getting done in 7 hours in November. I do not have as many briskets under me belt as others folks on this forum but I have never had any full packers get done in this short amount of time. I see you smoked at 237 and the other report mentioned 225.  I always have my 3D set for 225 and my briskets have ranged from 13-24 hours to complete (target of 195-200).. Could just come down again to that specific brisket and cut of meat.
I only did 237 because it is in the middle of the typical 225-250 range. Do y’all really think 12 degrees- or even 25 degrees for that matter- would make THAT much of a difference? Honest question. Not being argumentative or second guessing folks with MUCH more experience than me.
I have only been smoking for a couple of years and have always used the 225 temp approach. Some folks on here use 235 but I do not recall anyone stating this reduced the cook time by a lot.

I know a couple of forum users have been using a much higher temp (265-275 range) based on some experiences they encountered in some well known Texas BBQ joints.. They were reporting briskets getting down in 5-7 hours. I may try my next brisket at this higher temp to see how it turns out. The only negative about brisket for me is the time factor and the unknown of when they will get done. Have had some wrapped for up to 6 hours and always plan for flexible dinner times. 