Thanks for trying the butt brine (hehe...I can never write that without chuckling)! Gregg pretty much hit it, but I have a couple of differences in technique...
First, I wouldn't keep a butt in this brine for longer than 12-13 hours (based on a 8-10 lb butt). Otherwise, it will be
really salty! You are not curing this butt for a ham, just sealing in moisture and adding some flavor!
The only other thing I differ in opinion on is the rest in the fridge after brining. I know a lot of folks do this, but I don't. I rinse the brine off, pat dry, and cover in yellow mustard and rub, then right in the smoker! I use this technique because I am usually up between midnight and 4 a.m. throwing a big butt in the smoker...no time to dilly dally!

I've never been less-than-satisfied with the results this way.
Totally agree with everything else he said! Didn't see his wood choice, but I use a variety on butts. I like 5-6 oz of straight hickory, combo hickory/cherry, oak, straight cherry (probably my best choice), and pecan. Wood is very subjective, so find the woods you like through experimentation!