First smoke in the Electronic Model 2 - Baby Back Ribs!


New member
Edit:  For those of you who don't know, I'm testing a new digitally-controlled Smokin-It Model 2.  This is the first smoke in that unit.  Read about the testing here:

Today, I'm finally doing a test of the new Electronic Model 2 prototype under "actual operational conditions."  Hehe...I'm giddy with excitement!!

The "test subjects" are 3 racks of baby back ribs from Sam's.  Big, meaty ribs, coming in at 10.57 lbs!  They got the silverskin removed, coated with olive oil (trying it as a binder instead of mustard) and Famous Dave's rib rub. 

In the smoker they went at 10:30.  There was 3 oz of hickory & cherry (50/50) and a pan of apple juice already in there to keep them company, so the ribs were happy.

To test my theory on preventing the "smoke belch," I initially set the temp to 140.  Smoke began at :11 in, and the temp climbed to 140 within about 30 minutes.  When the controller went into "maintenance mode" (green light instead of red), I let it "rest" there for 5 minutes, then upped the temp to 170.  When the controller hit 170, there was a very small smoke belch.  It pulsed a little (sucked air in the top hole), then stopped.  I let it rest at 170 for 5 minutes before increasing temp to 225.

When the temp increased from 170, an interesting thing happened; the onboard controller and the Maverick stayed within 1-2 degrees until the box temp hit 210.  At that point, the SI temp kept climbing to 219, and it went into maintenance mode.  Hmm.  The box temp actually dropped to 201, and the controller showed 221.  I increased the set temp to 230, and the element came back on. 

Once it hit 230 (1 hour into the cook), the box temp has varied from 215 to 234.  The controller temp has only varied a few degrees above or below 230.  So, it appears the temp probe is not reacting fast enough.  The controller board "thinks" it's holding 230, when it's really not.

The ribs should be ready about 4-4:30, so I'll update you on the results!  I have a feeling they'll be good!  I know these temp swings are not any more than my #1, and will "even out" over the length of the smoke.


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Looking good, Divot!  I sure hope the SI folks offer a retrofit for those of us that have the original #2 model!
Sorry this is a little late, PJ! ;)

The ribs actually turned out great!  5:15 total time, tender and juicy!  The "toothpick test" told the story when I opened the door.  Easy and tender going in, juicy, and pulled away from the bone without breaking!  That's how you know they're ready!

Leftovers vacuum-packed and ready for the freezer!

So, even with the temperature fluctuations, the cooking "averaged out" and the ribs came out in the same time as they do with my analog #1!  I know the temp will become more accurate in future boards, but this goes to show that this isn't like baking cakes!  BBQ just doesn't need 1-degree accuracy to come out good.  It's great if you have it, but "close enough is good enough!"


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Interesting readings but looks like everything worked out great! I wonder if the temp probe you put in towards the top was reading the cold air bubble around the meats?
I thought about that, Ben, but really couldn't find anywhere else to put it, with 3 racks full of meat.  I figured it would be feeling what the meat was feeling! 
Those look amazing!! ;D  Now I want to wade out into the 12 inches of snow outside my garage and smoke something!!!
I feel your pain, Ben!  The snow will be gone one day, and smoking will resume!  Even with the up and down temps on the smoker, they turned out great.  It's 63 here today, but it's going to be 16 tonight, high of 24 tomorrow!  I don't think I'll be smoking anything for a few days either!
DivotMaker said:
Edit:  For those of you who don't know, I'm testing a new digitally-controlled Smokin-It Model 2.  This is the first smoke in that unit.

I see that this post is several months old. What happened to the prototype test?

Is it a go or a no-go?
I found this to be the most interesting part of this link:
So, even with the temperature fluctuations, the cooking "averaged out" and the ribs came out in the same time as they do with my analog #1!  I know the temp will become more accurate in future boards, but this goes to show that this isn't like baking cakes!  BBQ just doesn't need 1-degree accuracy to come out good.  It's great if you have it, but "close enough is good enough!"

Strong words from the man that mixes the PID Kool-aid for all to drink.... ;)
Since we've resurrected an old post, I'll join the fun! ;)  The original prototype board was, truthfully, a hunk of junk.  It was very unstable, and really didn't like cold temps!  With that said, rest assured the project is far from dead.  Progress on a new controller is moving ahead full-speed.  There is still work to be done, but let me just say that the future of Smokin-It looks very bright!  Trust me, I will keep you all posted with developments, as they come available!

And yes, Brian, I am a dyed-in-the-wool PID Kool-Aid drinker!  I stand by the statement you quoted; while I believe it is not "necessary" or "required," it sure is great when you have it.  Not for the outcome - lots of great Q from the analog #1, but for the consistency and ability to exceed 250.  I bet if you tried it, you just might like the taste of that Kool-Aid! ;D ;)