first smoke in No. 1


New member
Hi folks.  I am in South Carolina and have been smoking fish, shellfish, foul and pork for many years.  Decided to make life a little easier by going all electric so I purchased the #1.  I didn't need to smoke quantity and like the expected efficiency of the #1.  Upon arrival and after seasoning, I smoked a 7# butt.  This butt took 16 hours to reach 195 which was not quite where it needed to be.  The smoker was set at 225 and was using a mechanical thermometer (through the vent hole) and suspect that the smoker was not maintaining the average quite high enough.  The smoker was never opened for the entire 16 hours.  I just received the Maverick that will allow me to monitor the smoker temp as I think this was the missing element.  Understand all of the variables with time, but the 16 hours was a little long and it was probably that I needed to jack the temp setting up a little to get the average smoking temp just a little higher.  Anyway, this is going to become the cat's meow once I fully understand everything that is going on.  Oh, did miss the smoke ring, but the flavor was excellent, just a little tougher (for pulling) than usual since it did not get just north of 200F.
A little bit of experimentation is the key, Bob.  I have seen BBs go 2hrs/lb at 225F on my #2, and then sometimes they take less time.  With the Maverick, you will get a sense of where your #1 is averaging out when you set for 225.  Pulling the BB at 195IT should be fine if you then double wrap with foil and let it sit in a cooler for an hour or 2, which will allow the juices to redistribute as well as increase the IT of the butt. 
Welcome to the world of Lazy Q, Bob!  Sounds like you're off to a good start.  Steve is dead-on (as usual) - hope you double-wrapped in foil for at least a 1 hour rest before pulling.  I always remove butts at 195, and after resting, they pull very easy.  You also might consider brining your butts - this has worked very well for me.  Here's a link to the brine I use:

I look forward to hearing/seeing your success stories!  We love pics around here!
Hi Steve and Tony, thanks for the welcome.  I did let it rest in the cooler wrapped in HD foil for 2 hours, but it still was a little on the harder to pull side.  I will experiment with the brining, but think I will just take the next one to 200 IT to see if that helps.  Do not get me wrong, I love this smoker.  I even love my charcoal and gas smokers but I think this is where I am going to fully migrate given that I can pretty much set it and forget it.  The days of tending the coals and regulating the flame are almost gone.  Think I will also get some of that pink salt to see if I can fake a smoke ring as I have read in other posts.  This is a great forum for learning and look forward to gleaning more ideas from the more experienced.
Bob, the migration is painless, and it will likely happen (just like the rest of us).  As for the fake smoke ring, make sure you get Instacure #1 (or Prague powder #1, as it's also called).  This salt is for liquid brining, and it doesn't take much.  I only use 1 tsp. in a gallon of brine.  It's just for appearance, which I kind of like! ;)
Try 235 for butts... I think I read that somewhere and enjoy that temp a bit more because it is still awfully low and helps fight through some of the awkward smoke time that run more than 2 hrs/lb.

Hey as for fake smoke ring... What's the best way? A piece of charcoal or brining with i stature?
You wont get a smoke ring with the charcoal either.  I use a few pieces regularily & I have never seen any ring.  The instacure is really the only way to go if thats what your looking for.  Its not a guessing game, make sure you use the proper amount.  I use it in my equillibrium brines which will sit in the fridge for up to a week.  It will keep the bad stuff from forming and as a side it gives the elusive, albiet fake, smoke ring.  Use Martin's formula located in Divots primer in Equillibrium Brine 101 in the Brine & Marinade section.
Thanks. I have yet to dedicate time on the equilibrium brine!

I guess I am just too pleased with a normal overnight brine and the SI magic box😉🍷🎉