It looks like your first butt was successful -- congratulations!! The one unknown about every piece of meat is the length of time it will take to reach the desired IT -- I will admit 14 hours for a 6# butt is a long time! For the next run, you might want to try increasing the set temp to 235-240 instead of 225. The amount of wood sounds about right, but if it was very dry, then the wood likely caught fire and was consumed too quickly. It you experienced the "belch" blast of smoke in the first heating cycle, then the wood caught fire. For the next smoke, you might get better smoke with wood that has a higher moisture content.
I think the greatest challenge with smoking is what you experienced this time -- estimating when to start the smoke to reach a target serving time! I commend you for not stopping the smoke at 4pm to meet a 5pm dinner---I did this on my first butt and regretted the outcome (we ended up with pizza)! For the next butt, you might want to use a 2 hour/pound estimate with an additional hour for resting -- it is always better to finish early and just let the meat rest.
All in all, though, your butt looks great, and you are off and running!!! Cheers