First Pork Butt


New member
I smoked my first pork butt last week. It turned out delicious. I used Tony's brine for my first time brining. Had friends over for pulled pork and got rave reviews. No pictures as I was running late and forgot. Did learn a few things like make sure the temp probe is not near the bone and allow 2 hours per pound as you can always keep it warm but can't hurry it up. The butt was 9.7 pounds and I finally took it out at 191 degrees and let it rest an hour. Smoked for about 22 hours. Will definitely do this again.
Well done, Martha!  The comments from guests are always a positive indication of the good meat that the SI smokers produce.  I agree with you to allow 2 hours/lb...typically don't need that much time, but better safe than watching a lot of hungry people stare at you!  Cheers
Way to go, Martha! ;D  I got surprised on time for a butt this weekend, too!  I do them so often, I almost have it down to a science, but I got surprised!  Glad you like the brine.  What temp did you smoke it at, and did you give it a double-foil wrap/rest at the end?  Just wondering...
Smoked at 220. Just single wrapped and then wrapped in a heavy towel and in the cooler. Will definitely double wrap next time. Even with the short rest it was very moist and easy to pull.
Great, Martha!  You can cut your time down a bit by going 225-230 on butts.  No harm to tenderness or moistness.  Some even go to 240 with no problems.  I usually smoke at 225 until deep into the stall, then will bump up to 235 at the end of the stall (when the temp starts climbing again).  At that point, you've done all the heavy-lifting on tenderizing (the stall), so now it's just finishing.  Again - nice job! :D
I smoke my pork butt between 235-240. I have not converted to the no peeky method for pork butt. I agree with tony, smoke at 225 for 5 hours (thats when you are in the stall range) then bump up the temp to 235 to 240.

At 220 your thermostat will range from 200-240.

If you get an auber you can dial in the desire temp/temps for the entire smoke.

Pork Belly said:
What exactly are you looking at?

Exactly, Brian! ;) Maybe the other F word?  Hehe.  Seriously, I have never had better pulled pork than the butts I smoke, start to finish, undisturbed in the ol' SI!  Lazy Q, man! 8)