First Pork Butt with #2


New member
Alright so I got a 19.xx pound pack of two boneless pork butts from Cash & Carry. I was planning on putting it in tomorrow night around midnight. However, I am a little concerned given what I have seen regarding times from the other pork butt threads. It seems for some the perfect time to start to have it ready by dinner is 11-12 at night. However I am seeing some posts such as DivotMakers brined butt that was like 9.xx pounds and it only took like 10 hours. I don't mind the butt being done somewhat early but I don't want it done too early, especially since I work friday from 830-5. There will probably be someone home I can leave the thermometer with in case it hits 195 and they can turn it down to 140 but if it finishes in 10 hours there is no way I can hold it at 140 for that long.

Does anyone have any experience with Cash & Carry pork butts that can give me some insight on how long they take?
I would plan for 18-20 hours or so. If you have someone there that could turn it down for you when it hits 195, you should be good. Don't forget to double-foil and rest for at least 30 minutes (1-2 hours even better).
Kelvin - allow 2 hours per pound, to be safe.  Seems my 1+ hour/pound is an oddity...not sure why. ???  I'd put a 9+ lb butt on about 2 a.m., but others will disagree!  If you put it on at midnight, there's a possibility it will be done by noon.  You can actually double-wrap in foil, and hold in the smoker for the next 5 hours (at 140) with no problem.  It will not cook, and will be at a "food safe" temp for the whole time.  I've done it, with no problems!  It could also take longer, so be prepared! ;)
Hmmm okay, I suppose I could get up at 2am and put it in real quick haha but definitely don't really want to have to do that but better than having it done way to early. Although I suppose I could have whoever is at the house wrap and put back in the smoker...I also figured if it doesn't hit 195 by the time we wanna eat and its at least 175 I can just pull and slice it and learn from the experience haha

How long would I want to give doing both butts? 19.xx pounds total? Can the #2 even handle that? haha. I was considering cooking all of it up and using leftovers for some sort of soup like lentil soup that I could then freeze and eat later...Being in college my friends and I always split the cost of our food so I will probably charge whoever wants to eat it 10 bucks a pop and then I was thinking whatever is leftover everyone could take home.

If I did both how much wood should I use?

Also I wonder if tying the butts effects the cook time? I have noticed some people doing that to help keep them together and the site says to tie them...Mine isn't really one solid chunk of meat since it is boneless.
With boneless butts, I always tied them up.  You will see when they are finished that they easily fall apart, so the string helps to keep them in tact until you are ready to pull.    As for doing two, the time allowance would still be 2 hours/lb for either butt, not added together.  If you have a 9lb and a 10lb butt, then allow 20 hours (10lbx2) and you will be more than fine.  The #2 might hold both butts on separate racks, and you would still only want to use 5-6oz of wood.
I smoke a little hotter than the rest of you guys, 240 - 250, but all my boneless butts have been in the 1hr/lbs range. 
Hmmm interesting, I would personally probably estimate 2 hours per pound just because the last 3 things I have smoked all took longer than I expected them too
240-250 is too high in opinion. But if it works for you, that's all that matters.

I always estimate 2 hours per pound and it usually ends up being pretty darn close.

I would try them both on the same rack even if they were slightly touching. If that's not possible put the larger butt on the lower rack and probe the lower butt unless you have a dual probe and can probe both.

I would tie a boneless butt, but I have never had had the need to tie a bone-in butt. They stick together pretty well if you get under them evenly. I use my "Bear Paws" to lift the butt off of the rack.

If you're planning on cramming both of those butts in a #2, the bottom one will be pretty close to the smoke box.  I'd recommend rotating the top/bottom shelves halfway through.  They should fit, but it will be tight.  Yes, tie-up your boneless butts!  In the future, look for bone-in Boston butts - much better for smoking pulled pork.  The boneless are great for sliced, though, and you mentioned the magic temp of 175 for slicing!

Great idea on charging your buddies 10 bucks! ;)  If they don't feel like they "got their money's worth," you've done something horribly wrong! :o ;D
Yeah I think I am just gonna do 1 butt since its my first but. I wanted a bone in but Cash & Carry only had boneless. They did have bone in picnic cushion and bone in pork shoulder. But yeah they are each like 9-9.5lbs so they definitely wouldn't fit on one rack hahaha.

Yeah usually if I have get togethers and I cook I just have ppl chip in money. Imma have coleslaw and pot salad tomorrow as well and ill let whoever wants the leftovers take em home so 10 bucks a head is fair I think haha. We have a handy app called Venmo which is like paypal for your phone, works great for this sort of thing or if u go out and one person can get the check so u dont have to inconvenience the server by having them split it.
Alright so I put it in last night ~12:30. Checked it this morning ~8:30 and it was already at 167 IT. The box read 275 when I read the IT of the meat. Idk why the box fluctuates so high. Unfortunately I haven't gotten to monitor the temp of the smoker throughout the night so I am not sure how low its dipping. I definitely noticed for my other smokes it fluctuated high as well. I am a bit worried at this point that it will be done between 10:30 and 12:30 which I am really hoping its not done till at least 2. Isn't the stall at 150? It must have powered right through it.
I usually see the stall around 167, so you were probably in the stall at 8:30.  It takes some time to break out of the stall, so 2pm may still be about right for completion.
Yeah, I usually see the stall in the 160s and sometimes a second stall in the lower 180s. I think you'll be fine.
Oh hmm interesting. But yeah I hope so! I am definitely curious how this butt will cook up. Tying it was a definite necessity because whoever de-boned it could have done a cleaner job. I need to find bone in butts and go somewhere where the meat of higher quality haha. Pretty sure that IBP meat from cash and carry is like cheap GMO meat from cows or pigs stuck in tiny cages....Growing up we raised one cow at a time cause we lived on a small farm right outside Issaquah (east of seattle) and some friends raised pigs and we would split the meat. Never had better pork or beef in my life.

It's 10:45 and its now at 176

Update apparently it went down to 174 so definitely seems like its in the stall! :)
I am hoping it isn't done that early but I will let you know. And nope I haven't adjusted the cook temp or opened the door or anything.

UPDATE: at 12:46 it was at 183

UPDATE: at 2:36 it was at 189

UPDATE: at 3:48 it was at 192