First Packer Brisket brined and injected (using Mortons Tender Quick)


New member
14.5 lbs Packer brisket from butcher. Choice at $4.59/ lb. Cryovac packed. Rinsed and put in Divots pork butt brine for 16 hours. Used a cooler with ice in a bag on top of meat. Stays very cold. Rinsed meat from brine. Injected with Divots brisket injection. Did not let it sit at all.

Immediately put on mustard and Memphis Dust. Put in smoker. Used 5-7/8 oz of hickory chunks (3-pieces, almost 4oz) and 2 oz apple wood chips. Set temp to 225 and smoked for 17.5 hours to 192 degrees. Rested for 4 hours foiled in cooler.

Meat was excellent in taste, tenderness, bark, moisture (a tad drier than I would have liked - next time pull at 190 and rest only 2 hours). Big smoke ring from the Tender Quick.

Follow the forum comments and you can't go wrong.


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Thanks. The brining and injecting definitely makes for a more flavorful and moister brisket.

For those interested, I used 3/4 cup Tender Quick in the brine. Next time I will use 1/2 cup or less or none. I could care less about the make believe smoke ring. I should have used less salt in the recipe but forgot. It didn't seem to matter since the meat was not salty at all. The Memphis Dust Rub was the no salt version.