First cold smoke, a few questions


New member
Good morning. I attached the Bella cold smoke generator. The only pellets I could find last minute were traeger hickory, maple, cherry blend from Home Depot. I was looking for pecan pellets because I’ve taken a liking to smoking with pecan lately. Filled half of the smoke generator and lit it with no problem. Plenty of smoke with it dialed back to 50% on the pump. Smoked for 3 hrs and the color looks good, temp stayed at 78 degrees. Sealed and out in the fridge to rest for a few weeks. Used pepper jack, sharp cheddar, colby jack and extra sharp Vermont cheddar.

Questions part because they might be terrible. Does the smoke from a cold smoke generator smell like a house fire? The cheese smells strong with a bad smoke smell. Not the kind of smell you get from a normal smoke. Even the garage and smoker stink right now.  Is it normal to have a lot of moisture from a cold smoke? The inside of the smoker was wet and there was a decent amount of liquid in the catch pan. Thanks for any input!


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Sorry about the sideways pics. Not sure how that happened.  I did notice walking past the smoker a couple times that there was a flame coming out of the side hole of the smoke generator that you use to light it. I blew it out the couple times i saw it. Not sure why it was doing that but it was pretty windy on Sunday.  Could that be the reason for the bad smelling smoke?
Sorry I can’t help on the cold smoking part. I haven’t smoked cheese before. But this post and the others make me think of trying it when the temps cool off again.

But for the pics, if you are using your phone, prior to uploading, edit the picture and turn it completely 360* with the rotate tool then save it. For some reason, that is what you have to do for it to load the way you want it.
Thank you for the help with the pics. I just tried a piece for the extra sharp vermont cheddar out of curiosity. It wasn't bad.  Hoping they are good in a few weeks.  In the past I smoked cheese in small aluminum tins in an electric vertical smoker. After the smoke I let the melted cheese cool off and then put in the fridge to harden up. Push them out of the tins and cut them up.  They were ok, nothing great. Definitely changes the texture and separates the fat.
Pellet smoke can be a little harsh. But if you let the cheese come to room temp and allow for any/all moisture to dry off prior to packaging, you will find that after 2 weeks (this is my usual wait time), the smoke flavor will have penetrated and mellowed.

Regarding the excess moisture, there could be a couple of reasons. Did you put cold cheese into the smoker? I usually allow my cheese to come to room temperature before adding to the smoker. Did you use any water pan or ice cubes to keep the temps down? that would have caused excess moisture. If you run into heat issues (78 should be OK, but is approaching the temp where I would start to get concerned depending on the hardness of the cheese that you are smoking).

I typically use 2-Liter bottles filled with water and frozen place on one of the lower racks but above where the smoke is generating. This helps cool, but doesn't add moisture to the smoke box.

Hopefully some of this will be helpful. :)
I did put cold cheese in the smoker. Took it out of the fridge, opened it and starting smoking. No water pan or frozen bottles. I’m a little less concerned of the cheese being ruined after a taste test today.  Next time I will definitely let the cheese get to room temperature and use frozen water bottles.  I did let them cool down and removed any excess moisture with a paper towel before putting them into tightly sealed ziplocks. I vacmaster 380 is giving me problems right now. Thanks for the feedback!!
1. I get quite a bit of moisture with my Bella also.
2. I let my cheese get to room temp before smoking and that helps.
3. I smoke for 2.5-3 hours and when done, I let it sit for an hour or so then dip my cheese pieces in a good brandy/saturated salt bath, let it dry, then repeat X1 before vacuum sealing.
4. Get some 100% fruit wood pellets.  Really have to check label to verify that only fruit wood is used. Traeger pellets are mixed hardwood fillers and flavored with oils the last time I read their label. 
5.The smoke from my Bella does seem more harsh than what I used to get with my MES/mailbox mod. But the last batch of cheese I did with the Bella was the best I have done according to my taste testers. ( I did the brandy bath 3X though so a lot of the harsh smoke was rinsed off.)
I will get 100% fruit wood pellets for next time.  I'd like to try the your brandy/salt bath suggestion. What is your mixture ratio of brandy and salt solution?  It'll be tough for me to pour brandy into salt.  I only pour it in a glass and drink it.
I pour 2 table spoons of sea salt or kosher salt (NO Iodized salt should be used) into a 1 pint or so flat bottomed food container then pour in about 1 cup of brandy and stir. I let it sit for at least an hour, stirring frequently. If the salt totally dissolves and there is none visible anymore, I add more salt. I buy 2# blocks of cheese and cut them down to 4 pieces. As for the brandy, I'm using Symbole XO from france, I think it cost $22/5th. I wouldn't use a real expensive brandy, or the cheapest either.
The goal is to be able to easily dredge all six sides of the cheese block in the solution, not necessary to totally immerse cheese. I dredge once, let it dry then dredge again and vacuum seal after the bulk of the brandy has drained off.  I don't worry there is brandy still on the surface of the cheese as the cheese will absorb it while stored.
I had some that I this way and has aged 2 years in freezer and fridge, it had aged really well and texture was smooth and smoke flavor was even through the whole piece.
Thank you! I will give these a few weeks and try them. After that I will try again with these changes recommended from all of you. Tha is again for the input!

Giving it time to mellow made a HUGE difference!  I guess I was just being impatient.  I will still try the brandy wash next time along with different pellets and ice bottles.  Since the last post I've also used the cheddar to make smoked mac cheese twice and the second time I added bacon which was awesome! Now we've almost finished the cheese just eating them as slices.  Thanks again for the help!!
i just cold smoked some canadian bacon using weber pellets, and i agree that the smell of the smoke was not pleasant.  i see on the smokin-it website that it says you can use chips or pellets.  i have contacted smokinlicious for their opinion. 

they have 3 sizes of chips called minuto.  3/16 in (4.75mm) 1/8 in (3.18mm)  & 3/32 in (2.38mm)

they also have 2 sizes of chips called Piccolo, 5/64 in (2mm) & 1/16 in (1.5mm)

i’m sure that one of these options will work just as good as pellets and have a much better flavor.

ps.  i have not tried the cold smoked canadian bacon yet, i plan on letting it (mellow) in the fridge for a full week before sampling.  it has just been 3 days now.