First brisket


New member
Hey guys I’m planing on doing a brisket for the 4th. I’m looking for experience  with how long I can expect it to take. It’s a 5.6lb flat brisket in a si 1. Thanks and happy 4th!
I did a 5# brisket a few weeks ago that took about 7 hours with the smoker temp set at 240F.    While time will vary for each piece of meat, allowing 1.5 hours per pound for brisket is a good general rule.  Also, factor in at least 1-2 hours for resting before you want to slice.  Enjoy, and Happy 4th!
I’m thinking about cooking it overnight… also I have a one year old and sleep is hard to come by haha… if I set the smoker at 225 would you think it might take closer to 10 hours?
I've found that the small briskets I have done took almost as long as a full one would. I've done small 3-4lb flats and points, cooked to around 200* IT, and they all took 9-10 hours. Someone suggested that is more about the thickness than the overall weight. I think that makes some sense.

I would hedge my bets on it taking longer than expected. It will hold wrapped in foil in an ice chest for many hours, or you can always use the smoker as a warming oven.
I have to agree with all that was said but add that if you wrap, place it in a cooler with towels or a blanket to insulate it, it will still be hot to serve for at least 8 hours (many hours like Icdearman said).  This way your serving time doesn’t have to be so precise.  Enjoy.