First Brisket Question- How many wood chunks?

The Provider

New member
Hello everyone! My name is Greg and I am new to the forums after just getting my 2D today. It is seasoning now and I am going to attempt an 8lb brisket tomorrow. I know that I need to buy a scale for my wood chunks, but for now how many chunks that come with the smoker should I use for a brisket? I also have wood on the way but it won't get here until Monday! I'm so pumped! Thanks for any advice!
If you don't want to spend the $25 for a digital scale, $5 will get you a manual spring food scale at Wal Mart or Target.  If you want to throw caution to the wind, I'd error on the light side and use 2 chunks.

+1 ... I did an 11# brisket last weekend and used about 7oz of wood (half cherry and half hickory).  Worked perfect.  I think the chunks that come with the SI are in the 3.5# range, so I would go with two.
Hi Provider!

Congrats, and welcome!!  Now that you're here, how about "providing" a first name and town in your signature line?  We like to know our new friends!  Heck, you may live next door to me! ;)
Welcome from Texas! Brisket is my favorite meat to smoke and usually in the 12 to 14 pound range. I typically use no more than 6 ounces of wood for the smoke. Hickory is my favorite and is among the stronger flavored woods along with mesquite. An 8 pound brisket at 235 degrees may take about 12 hrs. If you use  straight hickory go lighter than you think and also take into consideration that the smoke flavor gets stronger if leftovers are refrigerated for a day or two.  A kitchen scale should be on your short list of must haves when using such comparatively small amounts of wood to flavor the meat. Please keep in mind  that the wood is merely for flavor and not for cooking the meat thus not a lot is actually needed. It really just depends on finding what level of smoke flavoring you prefer. Good luck with your smoke.