First brisket in my #2 - hoping size doesn't matter!


New member
Hi all.  First timer here.  I picked up a flat cut brisket from a grocery today, 6.5 lbs.  Has some fat on one side and is mostly uniform in size, but goes from about 1" to 1.5" from left to right.  I'm guessing I should put the probe into the thickest part and aim for the 195 degrees that seems to be a pretty popular IT.  I just am not sure how long to anticipate this sucker to cook?  Seems some folks have experienced 1 to 2 hours per lb, maybe it's just a total crapshoot. 

I haven't had a chance to really look into rubs for brisket, and since this was more of a spur of the moment decision to pick up a brisket, I just went with the McCormick Grill Mates Cowboy Rub after using some yellow mustard for the base.  Hoping this one is big enough to do OK in the #2.  Planning on cooking at 225 with some apple juice in a pan. 
Sounds like a pretty good plan but realize nothing is exact. An IT of 195 is a good goal but realize that flat might be as hard as an over-inflated basketball at 195. You need to cook it until it is relaxed and yielding, you might not see that until 200-204 all meat is different.
Thanks for that suggestion, I appreciate that.  I'll give that range a shot.  My goal is not to open up that smoker much until near the end. 
Being that this is a flat, it is very easy to overcook and dry it out.  Start your testing at the temperature you mentioned but just be prepared that you might need to let it go a little longer if it doesn't pass the test. 
Well, I pulled it at 9:40 last night.  It was at 196 IT, but didn't feel like "butter".  I ended up wrapping it and letting it rest for about an hour and a half before sending it to the fridge, so I could hit the sack.  Good flavor, but it overall, it's dry.  Time to finally calibrate that probe, and next time, I'll try to find a packer that I can fit diagonally into that SI #2. 