First brisket flat


New member
I've read too much and have a question. Most I've read suggest brining/injecting. Is it necessary to do both or is it a matter of preference and meat grade?
Also I prefer the lazy q no peek method and would like to not have to foil wrap through the stall.
Hi Tony!  Good to have another T on here!

I suggest brining for a flat, as they're hard to keep moist and nothing makes meat hold moisture more than brining.  I, personally, don't inject if I brine, but Walt has a killer brine/inject process.  I also never foil anything, brisket included.  Use a water pan, on the floor of the smoker next to the smoke box, put the meat as high as possible, and watch the internal temp.  Start checking the feel at around 190.  You're looking for "squishy" (I love this description, by Pork Belly).  It should be soft and flexible, and tender to the touch, like you could stick a stiff finger through it, with a nice moist bark.

Snoop around the beef section, and do a search on brisket.  No need to reinvent the wheel completely, as there are hundreds of posts on this subject.

Thanks. I think that was my problem. I read too much and wasn't sure which way to go. I just finished the brine and rubbed it down and going to let it rest in fridge for 12 hours and should be good to go. Thanks for the advice.
I did the wrap "Texas Cruch" on my first brisket--never do it again.  Tony's way is the right way in my opinion.  Good Smokin to you!
Kentucky T, it's easy to get overloaded with info here, especially when starting out!  The very best way to start is to browse around and find a post of a smoke that looks appealing to you.  Then, try to duplicate it.  If it works for you, then you have a winner!  If not, try another one!  Once you start to understand the differences between different techniques and/or prep, you'll figure out what works for you!  That's the fun of our hobby!  There are no "right ways," or "wrong ways;" there's just "your way!" ;)
I put kosher salt on the flat and let get happy overnight. In the morning i sprinkle some black pepper. Thats it. Smoke to 195.