First Boston butt


New member
Picked up a cryo pack of two boneless Boston butts yesterday at my local Costco (no bone in available).  Using the DM brine today for a 6# over about 14 hours.  Then will rub and into the smoker early AM tomorrow.

Have a question on wood.  Should the amount be based on weight of the meat?  And also looking for suggestion on single wood or combo, have hickory, apple, cherry, pecan.

First butt and hoping for decent result.
I like lots of smoke flavor so I use 6 oz of cherry and 2 oz of apple.
I also use the biggest pieces I can that will still allow the smoke box lid to close on the theory that I will get a longer smoke from one big piece that combusts slowly than a bunch of little ones that burn quicker, all at the same time.
Went with just over 3 oz. Hickory and just over 2 oz. Apple (5.4 oz. total).  Into the smoker at 7:00 this AM.  Set at 225, but have monitored a low of 231 and high of 270's on my Smoke.  The butt already up to 110 at the 2 hour mark.  I know there will be a stall, but I've turned down the smoker to about 215 and will monitor.
LOL, I told myself after reading these posts not to be a nervous Nellie, yet here I am.  My issue is that my only option for the smoker is just outside the garage facing the street (in a condo), and I don't feel comfortable leaving it unattended over night.  So, I am somewhat limited in my cook time, but I knew this going in.  So I will take your advise, relax, and look forward to a nice Heady Topper in a few hours!
Bogey- When I brine my boston’s they seem to cook much faster. I wasn’t sure if it was a real thing or not but I have seen others mention it too. I only mention that as it sounds like you’re hesitant to leave your smoker unattended overnight; might give you a little more time to play with. Best of luck on your smoke today. 
I've only smoked on butt so far and I brined it(only had my #2 a few months) and it turned out great. On the other hand my brother has a lot more experience at smoking, he said he really can't tell the difference between brined and not when they are pulled.
Mike & Pappa, did the DivotMaker brine for 13 hours.  And it's small @ 6#.  Currently 6 1/2 hours in and slowly moving from the stall to 168 degrees.  I think it may be ready for dinner time.
Pulled at 200, 13 1/2 hours for a 6#.  Too bad we had to have dinner while we waited, and this will be re heated.  However, after sampling it was difficult to wrap it up for the frig.  Outstanding flavor & texture, sold on the brine.  I am hooked on this new hobby!

Thanks to the forum members who made suggestions, and provided recipes, invaluable.


Congrats on your first butt, looks great!  Brined or not I always plan on 2 hours per pound.  Those smaller ones always seem to take a little longer per pound, go figure...? 
Looks great!

I just did a ~6# that I had frozen for a few weeks. Took 16.5 hours. Brined it for +8 hours. Used Morton Tender Quick a small "smoke ring", with it.  ;D
I just smoked a small butt in a model 1, 3.8 pounds.  It was done at 195 in 1.5 hours per pound. No brine but I wrapped it with a bit of apple juice at 165. 