First Belch #2


Well I had my first experience with the Belch in my #2 today.

I always foil boat my wood, but this time it did not work. My wife came into the den saying the smoker made a loud noise, I said did it sound like a belch and she said yes. I told her to never mind, just a feature..

For wood I have 3 oz of Maple (sorry Apple wood), with a brined chicken at 250 degrees.

Stuff happens!

I am on my first smoke today and using 3.5oz of cherry chunks from the hardware store. (didn't have time to order any) and I boated it. Same thing happened to me. Heard a loud Wuummmph sound...LOL
teleskier said:
3.5oz of cherry chunks from the hardware store.

Bet that's it, Mike.  Most of the hardware store wood is usually pretty old, and is more suited to kindling than smoking.  You can rehydrate your wood by placing it in a Tupperware container, with a wet wash cloth in a plastic bag (one end open).  Let it sit in there for a week or so, and your wood will be much more suited to smoking.  Dry wood is the enemy to good smoke!  It burns, but doesn't smolder.
No problem, Mike!  Remember - wood only changes moisture content by absorbing it through the air, very gradually.  That's why someone installing real unfinished hardwood flooring will bring the raw wood to the house as much as 2-3 weeks in advance of installing; to let the moisture content match the house.  Anyone who thinks the way to get wood chunks to have more moisture is to soak them in water, is misinformed.  Once the wood heats enough to dry the wet surface, that dry interior will still catch fire.  Slowly in a container, and even the old lumber yard wood will rival the finest available!