first batch of cheeze in the #3D


New member
after a dry run last night that went really well I just filled up the 3D with a big batch of cheese. Extra sharp, sharp cheddar, Gouda, parmesan, colby, colby jack, monterey jack, pepper jack swiss, and mozzarella ;). I'm using the small (6x6) amzn with cherry saw dust. I removed the drip pan, the wood box. Right on top of the drain hole I place a 80mm 24v fan sucking air from the outside, and hooked up to a 12v power supply so the fan run pretty slow. Outside temp is around 40F and after 2hrs the temp inside the 3D is steady 59F. Planning to let this go for about 4 to 5 hrs while moving the shelves about twice. here's some pics


This is interesting--have you explained somewhere else the how, and why for this configuration.  I would love to smoke some cheese.
Durangosmoker said:
Wow, nice setup.  Where did you get the fan?

and the power supply:
TexasSMK said:
This is interesting--have you explained somewhere else the how, and why for this configuration.  I would love to smoke some cheese.

This is my first try in my new smoker (got it 3 days ago) from what I read the biggest prob with the A-MAZE-N saw dust/pellet smoker was that the unit is so well thight, air to keep the amzn lit was an issue, having some fan and power supply laying around, I tought I will give it a try. I didn't want to use a 12v fan with the 12v power supply as I didn't want the dust to burn too fast and raise the temp inside the smoker. I didn't have a potentiometer laying around so the 24v fan with the 12v psu sound logic to me...
Very interesting on the time difference. I've smoked all my batches of cheese with the SI element and varied smoke time between 1 hour to 1 1 /2 hour, a lot less wood.  I'm curious to see if your alternate smoke source makes that big of a difference in time and wood. 
4-5 hours is pretty common and some people go even longer.

I have found that for me 5 hours is my sweet spot after trying times as low as 3 and as high as 6. I smoke more until I get the color that I am looking for than a set time period. It just so happens that 5 hours is usually what it takes for me to see the color that I am looking for.

I get a pretty steady smoke for the entire time with my A-MAZE-N AMNPS or my AMNTS.

The advantage of going shorter like Dave is that I would guess you don't have to let your cheese mellow quite as long. But, my guess is that the depth of smoke flavor would not be there as compared to a 4-5 hour smoke.

Then again, the amount of smokiness that one likes on their cheese is pretty subjective. So, I can appreciate why some may not smoke their cheese as long as others.
I'd try some at a week, Bob; it'll be really good.  The stuff that goes 2-3 weeks will be great, but so will the week-old stuff.  Just needs a little time to settle down and let that smoke flavor penetrate.  No way I'd wait 3 weeks before sampling! :o