First Attempt at Cold Smoking Cheese


As some of you know, I am doing some testing with a new A-MAZE-N AMNPS cold smoke generator. Here is the thread with my test results:

I did a test yesterday afternoon, with mixed results. But with some learnings and tips from Martin, I thought it was worth trying again today with some inexpensive cheese. I made a trip to Costco and picked up some basic Kirkland Mild Cheddar, Sharp Cheddar, Colby/Jack, and some Mozzarella string cheese.

I also picked up some Gouda, Mild Cheddar, and Seriously Sharp Cheddar for a later smoke. These are more expensive cheeses that I'll try after I get some more testing with the A-MAZE-N under my belt.

I put the cheese in and started smoking at about 4:00CST and plan for a 2.5-3.0 hour smoke depending on how the color looks at the 2.5 hour mark.

Yeah, yeah, I just noticed that my bottom rack is not level. I'm going to live with it. ;)


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Well, my Cheese smoke is done.

The temp stayed at 65-70 pretty much the whole time.

I tried to smoke until I got some color, but the cheese didn't ever really take on much color. So, I ended up smoking for 5 hours. I hope I didn't over smoke them.

They're all packaged up and in the fridge. They were cool to the touch right out of the smoker and didn't look like they got a lot of color. They definitely smell smoky though. Hopefully some mellowing in the fridge will do them good.


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Nice looking Gregg! I'm doing som this weekend along with the first smoke on the Black Forest bacon. Pork & cheese, what's not to like?
BedouinBob said:
Nice looking Gregg! I'm doing som this weekend along with the first smoke on the Black Forest bacon. Pork & cheese, what's not to like?

That Black Forest Bacon sounds really good! I'll be following your thread.
Gregg, when do you plan on doing a taste test?  I was going to do my cheese this week but might wait until you report back on taste versus smoke time. 
Did my cheese too today along with my bacon cold smoke (see BF bacon post). I tried a variety including mild cheddar, parmigiana reggiano, farmers, mozzarella, New Zealand (cheddar - gouda mix), pepper jack, and for the first time goat cheese. I'll be interested to see how the goat comes out. Attached are before pictures and how I did the cold plate. The after pictures don't look different as the color wasn't changed appreciably. I used 1.5 oz with a mix of 50-50 hickory and cherry.


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SuperDave said:
Gregg, when do you plan on doing a taste test?  I was going to do my cheese this week but might wait until you report back on taste versus smoke time. 

I packaged some smaller blocks (as you can see in my picture) for my taste testers.

My current plan is to do a taste at weeks 1, 2, and 4.

I'll report back next Friday with the results of the first taste test.

Bob, my cheese did not take on much color either, so I ended up smoking it for 5 hours which I am a but worried might have been too much. Time will tell though.

I think it didn't take on that much color because of the cold temps that I smoked in. The box temp ranged from 40-75 and averaged about 60 or so. When it took it out is was cool to the touch with zero moisture in it.

The A-MAZE-N definitely puts out some heat. So, if I smoke cheese in warmer weather I will need the cold smoke plate. Luckily I live in the same town and actually work with forum member WIK, who has said that he would let me borrow his when needed. ;)
Yeah, I hope with some mellowing it turns out OK. The good thing is that for my test batch I used relatively inexpensive cheese. I have some higher quality stuff in the fridge waiting to be smoked after I have compiled all of my learnings from this one.

The toothpicks were for telling the difference between the Mild and Sharp Cheddar. I'm not sure why I put them in the Colby/Jack. Duh!
Hey Gregg - Funny I just started a cheese smoke today with the cold plate.  Now of course I decided to peek at the forums for any tips and correct anything I'm doing wrong.  Gotta a love that last minute smokes...  Only been in for 25 mins so we will see if the temp rises much with the cold plate or not.  But yah anytime you want to borrow it, it is yours.
Thanks Chad, I am guessing at some point in the warmer months, I may take you up in that. If you ever want to try out the A-MAZE-N or need some seafood racks (I have 5) let me know.

Maybe we could exchange a couple of pieces of cheese to compare? What kinds of cheese do you have on? I'm not planning on trying mine for a week.
I haven't done cheese in a few years but it was always for four to five hours. Personally I want to taste smoky cheese not cheese with a hint of smoke.
Well, I am hoping that it turned out well. I will say that it wasn't a super heavy smoke from the A-MAZE-N. So, I am cautiously optimistic that it will turn out well.

I too would like a fairly heavy smoke flavor. Most of the so called smoked store bought cheese that I have tasted was VERY light on the smoke flavor.
Wik said:
Hey Gregg - Funny I just started a cheese smoke today with the cold plate.  Now of course I decided to peek at the forums for any tips and correct anything I'm doing wrong.  Gotta a love that last minute smokes...  Only been in for 25 mins so we will see if the temp rises much with the cold plate or not.  But yah anytime you want to borrow it, it is yours.

Good to see you, Chad!  Been awhile.  Hope to see you around more!  Take any selfies in the snow this year? ;)
DivotMaker said:
Wik said:
Hey Gregg - Funny I just started a cheese smoke today with the cold plate.  Now of course I decided to peek at the forums for any tips and correct anything I'm doing wrong.  Gotta a love that last minute smokes...  Only been in for 25 mins so we will see if the temp rises much with the cold plate or not.  But yah anytime you want to borrow it, it is yours.

Good to see you, Chad!  Been awhile.  Hope to see you around more!  Take any selfies in the snow this year? ;)

LOL!!! It may be time to break that one out again Chad. There are a lot of new faces here that haven't seen the pic yet. ;)
I still have the screenshot, Gregg!  Hands-down, one of the best, and funniest, things I've ever seen!  He's a legend! ;D
Just a quick follow-up on my cheese smoke.

I tried a small block of the Colby/Jack on 1/24 (8 days after the smoke) and it was still really smoky and had a pretty heavy ash tray taste.

I am hoping that some more time mellowing in the fridge will tone it down.

I will try again this weekend and post another update.
Were your blocks wrapped loose or vacuum wrapped?  I've read and seen both.  I went with the loose wrap thinking it could breathe better. 
I'ts been a long time since this post has had an update.  How did you cheese turn out?  And I would like to see the funny selfie. ;)