

New member
Hi everyone, been a while since I posted,although the misses and I have smoked quite a bit in the meantime, mostly ribs and butts. Thought I would give a fatty a try after reading about it here. Well, it was fantastic,we both thought it was the best that has come out of the smoker, and that's not taking anything away from the great butts and ribs. 
I followed a you tube video recipe this time around but can really see the versatility in these fatty's. One simple can not go wrong with stuffing them with whatever you like. Anyway, I used Jimmy Dean regular sausage, which we like and had on hand, 1 pkg formed filled into the gallon zip lock,"used a rolling pin"  cut zip lock open once formed and laid onto wax paper. Sprinkled a generous amount of rub onto sausage.Filling consisted of grn and red peppers slices onion grns,spinach leaves, and shredded pepper jack cheese. Rolled this up, keeping tight as possible while removing the wax paper as I went. Layed out another wax paper sheet and made the bacon weave coat onto which I unrolled the sausage roll. Ezy,pezy so far, only real problem was making my old and stiff fingers work like their suppose to. Next rolled the whole shebang into a tight roll, pinched the ends a bit. Walla.  I put couple nice sized hickory chunks into box, and laid the fatty onto a rack covered with a Q-mat, slipped it into the top spot and closed the door,set the temp at 240. Oh crap, I forgot to probe the meat, oh well, not going to do it now. Figured to just give it 2 1/2 hrs and check, well got busy and it went 3 hrs. 10 min.  Opened door slid whole works onto cookie sht, looking good, slathered the top with BBQ sauce, foil tented that and prepared a lettuce salad to go with the fatty. All I have say is, we will be doing many more of these, really good!!

As an aside: in my experience so far the Q-mats are a must have item, they work fantastic for salmon, pepper sticks, anything small that needs additional support, and clean-up is a breeze.

Happy smoking all.
Jeff congrats on your first fatty! They really are easy and delicious. Me and my wife love them too.
Jeff, glad you had good results. I love fatties. But did it really happen???? No pictures???? Mostly joking but we live vicariously here...  :)
Oh---- it happened alright, here's a picture of what's left  We are having it tonight with the best corn on the cob I have had in a long while.

Sorry for not posting progress pics but I was pressed for time.


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