Fatty ribs


New member
I need advice please. The past 2 Sundays I have smoked 1 rack of baby backs in my #1. I'm using the same recipe as always. Rub, water pan, 2 oz of hickory, 235 deg for 4-4.5 hrs. I suppose that the outside temps have been warmer. The results have been ribs that have a lot of fat. The flavor is good but the consistency is just more fatty. It could be just crummy cuts of meat. I got them both at Publix, freshly cut, not shrink wrapped. They didn't look any fattier than usual. Has anyone ever raised the cooking temp in the middle of a smoke (to say 245 for 30 minutes)? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance
I run Baby Backs at 250 for four hours exactly. I do open up and spray them at 3 hours.

Any obvious excess fat gets trimmed prior to applying rub.
Thanks Brian! I will try your method. I also trim any excess fat. It feels like it's the fat within the meat.
It feels like it's the fat within the meat.

That is usually how it is with Baby Backs and not much you can do about that except turn the heat up. Sometimes it is on the surface though not as often as spares.