fat cap up or down.....

Time for a dissenter!

I used to have an old smokey electric smoker for years.  Every time I tried fat cap up, the bottom (non-fat cap) would get over cooked. Mainly because it is a vertical type smoker and obviously smoke rises(similar to the SI). 

I had the same question as you about a month ago and decided to test the waters because a large percentage of people here recommended fat cap up.  I have to say, my brisket (the only one I've  cooked on my #3) turned out pretty darned good. 

That being said, I have cooked much juicier briskets in my old smokey with fat cap down.  I plan to smoke fat cap down on my next brisket (keeping everything else the same) to see which I think is the best.

I would suggest trying both methods and report your findings. I will report mine as well.

I doubt you'll go wrong either way!
When I read the question I thought the same thing kind of like the ford /chevy question,, I always go up and have stayed that way, it works for me,,but I have read arguments on both sides and see the point on doing it the both ways,,

With that being said I would love to know what you find out when you compare both ways,, but the hard part about comparing is all meats are not created the same..
let us know..
The question was about pork butts, which I always do fat cap up.  If we're expanding the discussion to briskets, I'll address that:  Either way.  I've tried cap up, and cap down, and really can't tell a big difference.  The part that will overcook is the very end of the flat, which doesn't have much fat on it anyways.  Now, I just leave them cap up.
PJ, I can see we have a group who enjoys life.  Classic cars & BBQ....what's better than that!
yes sir, and I'm a hard core cat fisherman..
You guys have a great weekend...


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No where near a 60 pounder, but I caught this one last year and we figured it was about 30.


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