Expected Temperature Swing in Setting T stat


New member
I am finally ready  to smoke for the first time.  Wanted to test the T stat before actually cooking something. Set for 225degrees and according to Maverick probe it went up 280 degrees before I turned it off. Set the t stat for around 215 degrees and watch the readings. They went from 198 degrees to 249 degrees.  Is this normal or is there a problem with T stat. Thanks
Don, did you do your test on an empty smoker?  If so, the readings will be all over the place.  The analog dial will have +/- 20° swings...perfectly normal.  Just put your meat in, set the dial to where you want, and trust it.  No need to test, just cook! :D
I did my first smoke yesterday with a nice slab of ribs.  The temp varied from 204-248 with the setting of 220 degrees. They came out tender and they came out the way I wanted them. Tender but not following off the bone. I used the 3-2-1 method. I think that I used too much wood because the ribs had a little burnt taste. I used chips not pieces of wood.
Don't sweat the swings, Don.  My best advice is to stop monitoring box temps...it'll drive you nuts.  Just trust that the cooker will average out to the set point.  I second the need for a scale!
+3 on the scale. You'll only want to use 2-3 ounces for smokes under 6-7 hours and 5-6 ounces for your longer smokes like butts and briskets.

Also do yourself a big favor and get some good quality smoking wood chunks from a place like www.Smokinlicious.com and save the chips for low temp smokes. You'll get a longer lasting better quality smoke from the chunks.