Eastern Carolina Vinegar Sauce Recipe


New member
Played around with a lot of different recipes combined elements of a few of them and came up with this. It's been a hit so far. Also great to give a light spritz to leftover pulled pork before freezing. Gives a little extra moisture for reheating.
1 & 3/4 cups apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup white vinegar
Juice of 1 lemon
1 1/2 tblsp brown sugar
1 tblsp Cayenne pepper
1 tblsp Texas Pete's hot sauce
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
Combine and simmer (don't let it bubble) at a good steam for 25 minutes
Remove from heat and cool
Return to heat add 2 tablespoons of ketchup and 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
Wisk until ketchup dissolves slowly bring back up to steaming remove from heat to cool
Before I freeze leftovers I give a light squeeze over the pulled pork for moisture on reheat
Thank you, will try.

This is what I'm trying to re-create. 

This Pig Dip lists the ingredients, which sounds like a good place to start for reproducing it: Vinegar, Tomato Juice, Spices, Worcestershire Sauce, Orange Juice, Lemon Juice, Crushed Red Peppers, Water.

The orange juice and lemon juice components are probably key. No sugar at all though, which is odd, even for a vinegar sauce.
I love east carolina sauce. I recommend soaking the roll and some on the pork butt.  Makes good eats.
Eastern NC bbq sauce does not have tomato product in it at all.  Western style is what you are describing.  You'd be what's for dinner if you suggested that recipe down east. 
I know this thread has been around a while, but I have to say, this stuff is AMAZING! I'm from Texas, and we don't use vinegar sauces. I made a pork butt and decided to give this a try. At first, right out of the pot, it was way too vinegary. After a day in the fridge, it was better. Each day it just gets better and better. I'm a convert for sure!