Dual Pulled Pork Temperature Profiles


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Dual Pulled Pork Temperature Times
1. 3D, Wi-Fi, Gen 4 Smokin-It smoker
2. Wi-Fi connection using Verizon hot spot (JetPack) and the Smokin-It app (black color icon)
3. Three (3) blocks of sugar maple wood
4. Two pork shoulders (Boston Butts);  #1 at 8 lbs bone-less, #2 at 8.5 lbs bone in
1. #1 butt was marinated for 12 hours using DivotMaker’s recipe; scored but did not trim the fat cap, applied yellow mustard then dry rub then back in the frig for 12 hours
2. #2 butt was purchased the day of the smoke; so, there was no time to marinade. Scored the fat cap but did not trim.  Applied yellow mustard and dry rub then in the frig for 5 hours
3. Removed both butts from the frig about 6:30 pm to allow them to start to warm
4. About 8:30 pm, inserted the temp probes and applied 1/2 a cup of brown sugar to the top of each butt. Added maple blocks to an aluminum foil ‘boat’ and a pan of water to the smoker.
5. Placed both butts on the same rack and inserted the rack into the center of the smoker. Connected the temp probes to the controller. 
6. Turned the smoker on and linked to the app.
The Smoke
9 pm start.  Set T=125 deg for a ramp up.  #1 starting T=54 deg,  #2 starting T=57 deg
+ 15 min duration.  Heat went to 0%.  Changed Set T to 150 deg. nice thin bluish smoke.
+ 30 min duration.  Heat at 5%.  Changed set T to 175 deg.  Still a nice thin bluish smoke.
+ 36 min.  Heat at 85%.  Smoke is getting a little heavier
+ 50 min.  Heat 0%. Changed set T to 200 deg.
+ 1:03 hr.  ( 1 hr & 3 min) Heat 51%.  Heavy whitish smoke. Set T = 200.  Internal T = 204
+ 1:13 hr.  Heat 2%. Set T=200. Internal T = 204.  Still good amount of smoke.
+ 1:20 hr.  Changed set T to 210.  Still heavy whitish smoke.
+ 1:40 hr.  Changed set T to 225.  Still heavy smoke.  Despite the slow temperature ramp up, I could not maintain the perfect thin blueish smoke.
+ 2:00 hr.  Heat 36%. Set T = 225.  Internal T = 228.  #1 T = 94 deg.  #2 T = 97 deg.
+ 4:50 hr.  Heat 45%. Set T = 225.  Internal T = 225.  #1 and #2 at 161 deg.
+ 7:00 hr. duration. (4:08 am local time)  Heat 0%.  Internal T = 225. #1 T = 177,  #2 T = 179 deg.  Changed Set T to 210 deg. as there is a lot of time to dinner. The STALL has started!!
+ 9:51 hrs. (7 am local time). Heat 21%. Set T=210. Internal T=211. #1 T=177, #2 T = 180
+ (2 pm local time) changed set T = 225 to speed up the temp rise.  After the Stall, the temp rise was only about 2 deg/hr.
+ 12.03 (9:18 am local time).  #1 T = 183,  #2 T = 185.  The temp plots show the Stall started to break about 7 am. 
+ 18:35 hr. (3:30 pm local time) Finished. #1 T = 199,  #2 T = 200.  Pulled both butts from the smoker.  Both were moist, tender and a small sample from each pulled apart with ease.  #2’s bone moved with ease.
Double wrapped each in aluminum foil and set them back in the smoker with the door ajar.  The smoker internal T read 144 deg – it was not turned on.  They stayed in the smoker till 6 pm.  A little after 6pm, I pulled them out and shredded one just before dinner was served for the party.  It was still very moist and tender.  #2 was still too hot for the frig; so, I waited till it cooled before placing it whole (not shredded) in the frig. 
Taste Test Results
Both are very good butt (sorry about that) the marinated one is our favorite.  It has a more pronounced and balanced flavor.  Have you ever tasted a dish you were cooking and found it tasted flat and nondescript?  However, after adding a pinch of salt the flavors pop, the dish comes alive but it does not taste salty - that is the marinated butt. Just be sure to wash it after marinating.
Temperature Profiles
From hour 2 to hour 5 duration, the internal temperatures of #1 rose at a rate of 23.7 deg/hr and #2 at 22.6 deg/hr.  A very fast rate that could give one a false sense of when the butts would finish.  Then around hour 7 into the smoke the rate dropped down to 7 to 8 deg per hour as the Stall approached.  The Stall lasted about 3 hours during which the temperatures stayed around 180 deg; essentially a rate of 0 deg/hr. After the Stall, the rates never returned to the fast 20+ deg/hr, but stayed around 2.4 to 2.3 deg/hr to the finish.  Overall, it took 2 hours per lb. to finish the butts.
I was very pleased with the results.  Both butts finished in time for dinner and were moist and tasty.  The was no bitter smoke flavor even though I could not maintain the ideal bluish smoke.  There is always next time.