Double time for second sirloin strip roast?


New member
Cooking today. Poor planning.
Went looking for a sirloin tip to cook for my son's birthday and couldn't find one at Homeland, so I found two 6 1/2 pound sirloin strip roasts I though I'd try in my 2D.
I want to cook them to 125-130 internal temp then a quick sear on my gas grill.
When I did a sirloin tip in the past I followed the 30min/lb rule and it was done a little early. The strips are a little less thick top to bottom.
Should I use the 30min/lb rule for the entire amount 13lb will cook time not actually double?
My goal is smoke flavor, and would prefer to err on the rare side. (I like it mooing). I will have to slice and grill for guests wanting up-cook anyway, so I can grill every steak a bit if required, not problem.
Also, wood recommendations appreciated. I have everything but maple or mesquite.
I am a big fan of hickory.  I have fruit woods and not so wild about them.  Good but not great as far as I am concerned.  As for the meat:  if you were to tie them together, it might mimic a 13 lb roast.  But as thy are separate, treat them as separate. They will each cook on their own and should finish roughly at the same time.
You were 100% correct, Sarge.
Both cooked in under 3 hours.
Since we had a range of doneness preferences among our guests my goal was to take them out rare, rest them, cut into steaks and finish on the grill. 
Used a little over 4 ounces of hickory and they seemed just right. I keep wanting to try oak, but the hickory is just so good.
Thanks for the help!
PuffDaddy said:
Also, wood recommendations appreciated. I have everything but maple or mesquite.

If you have Red Oak give it a try. It's a really nice flavor on beef.  Its my favorite for beef (non-brisket).