Double Smoked Ham...................Opinion's please ........


New member
Hey guy's I am thinking of trying this recipe either with Rum or Mable syrup along with using Pineapple & gloves along the outside of the Ham during the smoke but really would like to hear everyone's take on the subject , and would you make any changes , and............. or what rub would you use if any , etc , etc and if you scroll down they also have a Maple sauce injecting recipe which also look's very tasty......................yum .
The variable is how good of quality the ham is before you start the process. We have had great luck and excellent meals. I recommend picking up a fresh (raw) picnic ham and making this Ham. You can then do the Rum process. You could go freestyle and combine the two recipes.
Double smoked ham is my traditional Easter meal.  I think you'll really enjoy it, whichever way you end up going. 
SuperDave said:
Double smoked ham is my traditional Easter meal.  I think you'll really enjoy it, whichever way you end up going.
Double smoked Ham it is .............Easter Sunday , and Happy Easter Everyone .
I'll 2nd the fact that it depends on ham started with.  Pick an in-bone.  I did both in and non bone ham and the bone in made a better result. 

Bone makes a good soup too!  A day or three after.

jcboxlot said:
I'll 2nd the fact that it depends on ham started with.  Pick an in-bone.  I did both in and non bone ham and the bone in made a better result. 

Bone makes a good soup too!  A day or three after.
I hate it when I dive at a sale price piece of meat and later find out why it was so cheap. 
Well .................I just injected my Ham  and plan on letting it sit over night injecting it once again prior to Smoke / Cook , with the rum witches brew that tastes heavenly      Ha Ha  .
I probably do a double smoked ham 5 times a year or more.
Forget a brine - have ham at room temp - trim off all the exterior fat & skin - it fries up good as crackling.
I do a sweet injection using real butter / olive oil / maple or pineapple mixture. Rub heavy with a Cajun seasoning without salt. I like to smoke ham with apple wood on 210* to an internal temp of 140*. Wrap in double aluminum foil for an hour or longer also heat wrapped in towels. Place a dripping pan under to make a glaze.
Leftovers get frozen with the bone for the bean pot later.
I don't agree with trimming all the skin and fat.  The skin, combined with spicy brown mustard and rub, makes one really good bark!  Even better on day 2!