:-\ I received my smoker #1 last April and I love it !!!!!! My disappointment comes from the factory and ordering from their website. I ordered 2 clips to wrap the cord around. I see on the website you couldn't complete the order until you chose a shipping method of which the cheapest was 20.00. So I chose that for these 2 clips weighing in at 2 OZ. thinking/hoping they would not charge that amount for this order. I also emailed them immediately and said surely you don't charge the customer 20 bucks to ship 2 oz! No reply and they sure did charge that amount. Still wondering, I have e mailed them twice since then just to see if they cared about my story.....nope. Now I know I can call them but I have chosen not to. I guess it's my mistake anyway for accepting the method of shipment. Anyway I would have hoped for some type of response from such a 1st class company, but didn't happen. The other problem is the cover I ordered when first purchased. It is vinyl and if you leave your smoker outside all the time as I do because we live in our RV, the sun will make it stick to the smoker and leave this residue all over it and I have yet to find a way to remove it. I had another cover made from the proper material so this is no longer an issue. Just a heads up for anyone wanting a cover. The smoker, I really enjoy!