Digital controller to fit number 1 and 2


New member
??? Just had a thought hit me.  The masterbuilt 30 smoker has a 800 watt element.  Seems to me the controller would operate the 1 and 2.  I'm not a electrician but it might work at least until Steve comes out with his.
If it does I'm not aware of it.  I have a masterbuilt  and it was plug n play.  I'm retiring it as soon as I can get my hands on a number 3.  I doubt it be absolutely accurate but with a little Kentucky windage I think you could better control temp swings.  My masterbuilt did not have much problems with that.  Seems like it should help.  Just a thought.  Looking for a more informed opinion. 
I would think very carefully about such a scheme.  Seems the Masterbuilt smoker mentioned has problems. Especially the Generation 2. A search for such problems will quickly reveal many posts.
I had not heard about the problems.  Me and my father both have Masterbuilt 30 inch smokers.  So far neither has had problems other than racks are junk.  I'm about to buy a SI 3 and I think my father is considering a SI 2.  It was a passing thought.  If I do get a controller for the three it will be an auber.  I was just thinking about a cheaper alternative for my father.
The swings are really not a big deal. I have a #3 and get swings, but they average out and I will put my results up against any Auber smoked results.

For certain low temp smokes like for fish or jerky, the level temps are a little more important. But, I would try without it for awhile before you spring for the Auber.

Don't get me wrong, the Aubers are great and definitely have a place. The programming capability is really cool. I just wanted to make the point that they are not needed to produce outstanding BBQ.
I have an Auber & use it 50% of the time (depending on what im cooking).  I really like it but I completely agree with Greg.  Had my #2 over a year without it.  Its absolutely not necessary.  My briskets are equally as good now as they were before the Auber.  The benefits (for me) are more in programability and higher temps after bypassing.  Use you unit as is & get comfortable with it before going down that path.  Enjoy.