Diet buster ribs


New member
Wife and I have been on a diet since the first of January so we felt like we were ready for a cheat day. That translated into some baby backs, smoked mac & cheese, corn casserole, broccoli salad and last but not least, cheesecake.



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Sent all the leftovers home with the company so no temptation today.  The ribs were primo.  I had to put the brakes on the smoke after the company called and said they would be a couple hours later than they initially told me.  I did half of the smoke at 225 and half at 205.  The results were succulent! 
pargolfr2003 said:
Ribs with smoked mac n cheese. Totally worth blowing your diet
No need to convince me.  Lol!  Just wait until I blow all your minds with a smoked cheesecake!  J/K, maybe
Dave, it's technically not "cheating" because you had something green on the plate...everyone knows that's diet food!  Nice job!!
Dave, your cheater meal looks awesome. After reading several of your posts in researching SI smokers (I have had mine for a short time) I have read where you use the AMNPS products in your SI at times. From what I have read, no matter whether using 2 oz or 6 oz you can expect maybe 2 hours of smoke. With the AMNPS and dust in trial runs I find that can be extended to several hours. Question is, when do you use AMNPS and dust and is longer smoke periods benificial? I have been smoking for about 5 years but in a MES with AMNPS and mailbox. This 2 oz of wood and 2 hours of smoke just is giving me a problem??? like REALLY?
I can't speak for Dave, but I do use an AMNPS and an AMNTS in my #3.

I only use it for cold smoking cheese and bacon as that is the only time that I really need extended smoke.

Meat only absorbs smoke until if reaches approximately 140° and continuous smoke applied after 140° can actually add a bitter taste to the meat.

Depending on the smoke and how much wood that I use, I can regularly get a lot longer than 2 hours of smoke. I am guessing that I usually get closer to 3-4 hours of smoke on my of my smokes which is more than plenty.

To me the A-MAZE-N products have their place for cold smoking, but for anything else they are not necessary and just add extra work to my smoking process which goes against the Lazy-Q process that I so covet.

So, this is my 2¢
Like Gregg, I only use my AMNPS when cold smoking.  The design of the SI is so different than conventional smokers that it takes a lot of relearning and experimenting to get one's mojo back if they have a lot of experience smoking before getting the SI. 

Regarding smoke duration, I'm a believer that 1 to 2 hours is max and a lot of folks mistake steam for smoke when they think that they are getting smoke for the full duration.  Almost everyone uses water pans and when I've opened the smoker mid smoke there is a lot of steam rising from the water pan but no smoke from the smoke box. 

Regarding the amount of smoke flavoring the meat, stick burner smokers prove that smoke after 140 does not hurt the end product in a conventional smoker.  However, once again I think that the design of the SI smokers are so different that non standard rules apply.  I typically use a little more wood than is listed on the suggestion sheets in order to get the flavor that I like.  The danger lies in that since the SI's don't breathe real well it is easy to cross the line and get bitter or a stale smoke flavor if you've used absolutely too much wood. 
Learning over is tough for and old man!! I'm on my way out to find some chunks for my SI 3. I'm sure I'll have more questions as time goes on and I appriciate the fact there is a spot to come to for guidence!
Dick - Make sure you get quality wood as it makes a difference.  Many of us use Smokinlicious and Fruitawood.  Both good sources.
Hey Sarge, After all I have read about the two vendors you mentioned and all the points from other members, I will certainly be ordering some from those folks. Today I had to bend to what was available and I got a bag of Weber chunks in Cherry and Hickory, they are small bags and I'm not out a lot if I use them for kindling for camping after this innitial attempt. I'll foil them with hopes they don't combust.
I'll get an order in and have good wood in the future, going to do it might as well do it right.
azbohunter said:
This 2 oz of wood and 2 hours of smoke just is giving me a problem??? like REALLY?

Azbo, REALLY!  Actually, I will typically use 3-4 oz of wood for ribs.  But, as has been addressed, it is easy to over-smoke meat, and that is very common among folks new to BBQ.  The beauty of the SI is that you don't have to jump through all those hoops to make great BBQ!  Just follow the advice of those of us with hundreds (or thousands) of smokes under our belts, and you just can't go wrong!  We will teach you the ways of Lazy Que, Grasshopper! :D