Dem butts


New member
Two butts in the #3. Both injected with daves injection recipe and rubbed with John Henry pecan rub stem to stern. Both in the smoker fat cap down with 6 ounces of hickory, because I like hickory. Planning on pulling the smaller one (8lbs) at 170 IT by my maverick 733, and finishing it in the electric pressure cooker, if it will fit. Just curiosity on my part. I can completely cook a large roast in 30 minutes that just falls apart so why not a pork butt, it's technically a roast isn't it? Plus I hope to get some real tastey Juices to add back to the meat or sauce.  Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Will post pics when finished.
Yup I'd call them a roast, no difference in my mind.

Got my 1st brined butt in the smoker,  wrapped in foil @ the 160IT mark, that took 6 hrs to reach.

Have a great weekend to you too!
Hey Dale, what happened, did you forget about us? I would think the one in the pressure cooker is done by now and am sure you have had your supper. So where is the pictures???
Sorry for the delay but life got in the way and slowed things down. I took one butt to 169 and put it in the pressure cooker for 30 minutes and it was fall apart tender. The flavor was there also and with the juices it has a great smoky flavor. The other butt I took to 199 wrapped and will pull it for a get together later. The one in the pressure cooker was juicer  and I did save a few hours cooking time and didn't lose any flavor so I may do this regularly.  Plan on vacuum sealing the one in the pressure cooker. Pics below.


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Dale, my wife has never met you but she's prepared to dislike you when I blame you for the pressure cooker that shows up at our front door.  LOL!  Nice work on the pork! 
Thanks guys, I'm about to vacuum seal some of it for later but I have a get together shortly to celebrate my daughters engagement. Dave remind your wife that you are just trying to make her life easier by taking on some of the cooking chores and that she should be thankful you are such a gentleman. And if she believes that then I've got a bridge out in the Mojave desert I want to sell her!😊