Deep Freeze Organization


So one of the things that I love about having the smoker is that I can smoke a brisket or two, a couple or four butts, 6+ racks of ribs, etc. and then vacuum  seal portions and throw them in the deep freeze for future meals.  What I don't like is that I have no organization for my deep freeze...  it's just a big box and everything just piles up on everything else.  This makes inventory management and picking items out somewhat difficult.  My hands are actually insanely sensitive to cold so I can't go digging around in the deep freeze very long.  My wife is just short enough that reaching down into the bottom of the deep freeze can be rather challenging.

Having moved recently, I'm just now getting my deep freeze re-stocked to a point where it matters again.  In the past I've tried cardboard boxes and plastic totes.  Cardboard boxes tear, don't stack particularly well, and don't hold up.  Similarly, plastic totes don't like the cold temperatures which makes them fragile and their shapes never use the space very efficiently.

Has anyone else conquered this problem and would you be willing to share what you've done?
Ha! I’m right there with you. I’ve tried to stack like things in the same shelf to help with the organization and stacking. But the vac seal stuff isn’t easy. but, when I buy a whole primal and steak it out, I’ll try to stack all those together, the other meat together and try to support with the other types of meats that are going out shelves.

Probably what you are doing now as well. Perhaps there are plastic/Tupperware bins that would fit side by side/ and or stacked to help keep it. I know there are a few of those companies out there that offer any and every type of Tupperware style bin you can find?

I may look into this, but will also be watching to see what others say.

With this last two months, I have used quite a bit from the freezer which has been nice. But at some point will have to stock up again.
I have one freezer that came with the dividers below and it is a life saver. Thinking of making something similar out of plywood for my larger chest freezer. Right now I use the thicker plastic milk crates. They stack well and work ok.



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Alright Justin...  how much are you selling those for?  :)  Do they have anything printed on them that might truly help me find some to buy?  Those look awesome...
They are Frigidaire, I've been trying to find them for my larger chest freezer and haven't had any luck. They are honestly priceless! If anyone finds a source I would love to know about it

Ebay has a piece here and there but the prices are crazy
Amazon has white ones... look up
Appliances/parts and accessories/freezer parts and accessories/

I looked for freezer bin... on my search it came up way down the page, and it has a model lookup and everything in the actual listing, $24.28 each.  They have the dividers too.

216848200 Freezer Basket Genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Part

So I made these out of large sheets of 3/4" UHMW I got from work for free. Cut to fit and router slots in each so they slide together. You could do the same thing with plywood. This is going to work great!


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OR, do like I  did....get rid of the chest freezer and get an upright!
Couldn't stand the chest as ya'll point out, love my upright, so much easier to see what ya got.
Don't know why I  waited so long.
Paul B
Paul B said:
OR, do like I  did....get rid of the chest freezer and get an upright!
Couldn't stand the chest as ya'll point out, love my upright, so much easier to see what ya got.
Don't know why I  waited so long.
Paul B

I have an upright too. We use it for leftovers, bags of vegetables, and chicken nugget type foods. For some reason I just prefer the chest freezers for  meat.