de-skinning ribs


New member
Novice question here:
Am I the only one who struggles getting the thin skin off the bone side of the pork ribs?
I've done ribs three times, and the first time I managed to peel off very thin, slippery film off the meat, but it was really hard to hang onto, and really stuck on.

I can't recall the second time's details, but last week I tried again, and it appeared that there was no skin there at all. I just couldn't get anything started peeling on that one. But the ribs turned out tough, not like the scrumptious first ones. So maybe there was something there I just couldn't manage.

Do ribs sometimes have this skin trimmed off by the butcher? Or do I just need to Man Up and quit whining? 

Tom, I've opened a 3-pack of Sam's ribs before, and found one of the racks already skinned!  Most of the time, they are not.  Best method I've found is one I learned in a Jeff Philips email.  Start in the middle by working a butter knife from edge to edge and creating a pocket.  I've found doing this directly over a bone helps a lot.  Once you create the pocket, grab it from both sides, with your fingers, and lift (like picking up a suitcase).  Hold the ribs down with your free hand.  The silver skin comes off from end to end, in one piece!  I can skin 3 racks of baby backs in about 2 minutes!
Alright! I have a plan for next time! Me and my butterknife, one-on-one with a rack of ribs, no holds barred!

I'll let you know how this turns out. Thanks for your help.
Easiest way I found to remove the skin is to grab it with a paper towel after loosing it up with a butter knife....and rip....

I just recently learned about the paper towel method.  It works great and after some practice you can just pinch the back corner with the paper towel and pull.
Practice,Practice,Practice............I use a butter knive about three bones in...lift up without tearing......get a clean dry napkin and pull towards the center.....since you are 3 bones in that pc lifts up and tear slow and easy towards the other end.

You will get the feel for it the more ribs you cook........I have had some back ribs that seemed the "silver" was glued to the rack and it would not peel off cleanly. I just tossed in the smoker and made short order of it 5 hours later  8)
Famous Dave scores the silver and after smoking them, he puts them on a charcoal grill and flips and flips em.....silver is gone and you get a extra flavor profile to boot  8)
gregbooras said:
Here is a video how to remove the membrane.

That's an excellent video Greg! He actually made it look a little harder than it really is, by starting at the very end of the rib rack. I usually start prying up the membrane a couple ribs in from the end. One time, way back when I was a more inexperienced smoker of ribs, I remember workin' at those membranes forever, only to realize they had been removed prior to my purchase. Occasionally, you will find the membrane has been removed... ;D
SconnieQ said:
gregbooras said:
Here is a video how to remove the membrane.

That's an excellent video Greg! He actually made it look a little harder than it really is, by starting at the very end of the rib rack. I usually start prying up the membrane a couple ribs in from the end. One time, way back when I was a more inexperienced smoker of ribs, I remember workin' at those membranes forever, only to realize they had been removed prior to my purchase. Occasionally, you will find the membrane has been removed... ;D


You are right, sometimes the membrane has been removed, something to keep in mind!
