Dan from Oregon SI 3.5 Digital WIFI with the cold smoker.


New member
Glad to be in this forum and getting to know all of you. Just did our first smoke yesterday 3/6/2022 and did the Prime Rib recipe in the book it came with and it was fantastic. I do have a question about the amount of wood to use. The book it came with said 3 OZ of hickory and cherry and in the Lazy Q it says 5 OZ of Hickory and cherry. I used 3.5 OZ of Hickory and cherry total. I have been BBQ and smoking for years and using old tired equipment so we decided to go for the SI smoker and I think this is going to be a good ride with this baby.  Have a great day


If I'm using hickory, I go on the smaller side of weight. If I'm using Apple and/or cherry, I go with a couple of ounces more. But rarely go over 6-7 oz.
Welcome from the Land of Enchantment!

As for wood, I tend to go a bit more than what the recommendations are, but that’s just the profile I’m after. I have really enjoyed the fruit woods, oak, sugar maple and hickory.

Enjoy that 3.5! And thanks for the pics!
I tend to use a little more wood than called for as well. Thanks for sharing those pictures. I love learning from others, even if it does leave me hungry.
Welcome Dan from SE Arizona.  Good looking inaugural smoke. As for wood quantity, all a matter of taste.
I agree with the comments regarding additional wood. I use 2-3 ozs. more than is suggested since we like a healthy dose of smoke.
Thanks to all of you. I can't wait to do my first Pork butt, Brisket, Chicken, Ribs but Salmon will be the next item that goes into the smoker. I will post pics for sure. We are going to love the 3.5  :)