Cutting a Packer to Fit in a #1


New member
Hey Guys,
Long time reader, first time poster. First and foremost, I've learned a ton from the forums so thanks to all who contribute.

Seeking help from the all knowing Smokin-It forum for help on the best way to cut a packer brisket to fit in my #1. Should I just separate the point and flat (defeats the advantages of the packer?) or cut into two pieces containing a portion of each. Appreciate any thoughts. Thanks again.
I cut to size to fit my #1. I look for smaller briskets so I don’t have to separate the point and flat. I trim as little as possible on both end and cram it in. It will shrink a little. This might not the answer your looking for but that’s the way I do it and I’ve had no complaints. Good luck and let me know how it comes out.
When I did brisket in the #1, I would just cut them in half, lengthwise.  I'd put the flat end on the top shelf, and the point end on the lower shelf.  This would even-out the cooking, and kind of shield the thinner flat end from the heat.  Always seemed to work out OK.  Here's an example:

"Texas-Style" brisket (sort of)
DivotMaker said:
When I did brisket in the #1, I would just cut them in half, lengthwise.  I'd put the flat end on the top shelf, and the point end on the lower shelf.  This would even-out the cooking, and kind of shield the thinner flat end from the heat.

I do them exactly as Tony stated on my #1, and it works great. Just cut right in half so you end up with two squarish pieces. I put the flat half on the top rack, and the point half on the middle rack in my #1. The two pieces end up being done around the same time with this arrangement.
If I had a #1 I would talk to my butcher and only buy the point ends cut from full packer briskets. You still have a section of flat that runs under the cross grain of the point meat but you have all the rich marbling the the flats lack.

Flats suck, Point is much better eating and far more forgiving on cooking.