Cowboy Ribeye Help Needed


New member
I know a while back someone posted about doing a Cowboy Ribeye (SuperDave?), but I did a search and couldn't come up with anything.  I have a couple of these ribeyes and need help ASAP.  I do NOT want to overcook these steaks.  I would appreciate any advice on possibly a reverse sear.  Thanks.
See if this will help.  I also searched on the site for and found precious little.
Curious what defines a ribeye as a "cowboy cut."  Is it related to its size or simply that it is bone in?  I always grill my steaks, regardless of type, with the 12 minute process.  Always come out great! 
It is a humongous hunk of ribeye bone-in.  Never saw or heard of it until someone here posted about it and had great success with it.  I searched but could not find the post.  This is not a piece of meat you want to experiment with, you want to do it right straight out of the gate.
Also know as a tomahawk steak, due to its appearance. Season and prep to your liking, smoke to an IT of 120. Reverse sear on very hot pit or maxed out oven (500+ degrees) for 5 to 7 minutes. Final IT in the 128 to 132 range. Very nice steak.
Thanks for the info.  That was the direction I was guessing, just glad to have it confirmed although I was thinking more along the lines of 122 to 126.  I am thinking a slow smoke @ 200, and reverse sear every 30 seconds for 4-5 flips as per Tony's (DivotMaker) method.  Sound about right?