Counter top mounting??


New member
Im going to order a Model I, and I have a large BBQ island that I want to set it on the counter.

Can anyone tell me if I can set the bad boy on the counter without the casters without interfering with the drip tray (the drip tray will still slide out)?

thanks in advance!

yes, the little stubby legs were made for just that purpose.  There's even about 1/4"extra space after the drip tray.
Frank, Steven is correct that's what the legs are for. I have a#2 and I have mounted it to a rolling cart without the casters and it does not cause any problems with the drip pan.
Frank, Steven & Grampy are correct, that's what the legs are for. I have a #1 and I have mounted it to a rolling cart without the casters and it does not cause any problems with the drip pan.
Hey Frank, First welcome and you will enjoy the Little Guy, I have had mine a few weeks now and really does a wonderful job. Also was wondering if you are from Kansas City as went to school with some Rizzo's...
Welcome from Eastern MA......The comments that you have received are spot on! What more could you expect when you make a purchase and have came to the right place!
elkins20 said:
Hey Frank, First welcome and you will enjoy the Little Guy, I have had mine a few weeks now and really does a wonderful job. Also was wondering if you are from Kansas City as went to school with some Rizzo's...

No, I'm from Los Angeles in the Peoples Republic of California.

- I figured I needed to order my Smokin-it right away before they got outlawed here or they required a catalytic converter on the smoke output...
Welcome from Texas Frank. Many folks here have mounted thier smokers so there is no shortage of info to be shared. Happy to have you with us!