Costco Choice Brisket


New member
I had shared my first brisket experience about a month ago (huge success). After this smoke I found out the local Costco stores in Wisc. no longer had the Prime cut briskets. I recently purchased two "choice" full packer briskets from Costco and smoked one for our hunting camp this weekend. Since these were the choice cut I did use DM's brine for 24 hours.. I coated with olive oil and Jim Baldridge rub and smoked with 7-8oz of hickory/cherry wood. The only real change from my first smoke was I hardly trimmed any fat and I smoked with the fat side down.

This was a 13-14lb packer and it took 12 hours for the point to hit 195.. I took out the brisket and had the 'Jiggly" feel that I have seen on so many previous posts from the pro's on this forum.. I wrapped in foil for 4 hours and served with corn bread and slaw.. Brisket turned out great. Only have a picture of the brisket before the smoke. The carnivores at deer camp did not give me time to take pictures before they devoured the brisket.

Not sure when we will see Premium briskets again at our Costco stores up here,  but the choice cut is not a bad option.. Already looking forward to another brisket smoke in the next few weeks.           


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That's good to hear Gene. Choice used to be all I could get until Costco came to town. I would assume the Choice briskets would still be pretty darn good, but we've been spoiled with the Prime briskets at Costco. It also remains to be seen whether the hurricane in Texas might have an effect on beef availability and prices. So it might be a while before we get the Primes back in Costcos in Wisconsin.
Costco in my area only carried Choice but I could find Prime at Sam's.  Now, I seem to see them alternate.  If I don't see a Prime at one, I usually find it at the other. 
I only had access to Choice up until a couple of months ago. They always turned out great. However, I always brined & injected them. That also worked well for the occasional Select that found it way to my house. With SAMS now carrying Prime, I usually only brine unless I am trying to add a particular flavor profile, then I will inject also. As I type this morning, I can smell a 14lb prime brined brisket smoking under my house ( I live in a raised house). I put it on before I went to sleep last night.  I love the way it perfumes my house while I sleep. The anticipation for this evenings meal tugs at me throughout the night & all day.
For those that use the auber this is the program I use:

14 (1 hr per lb)



I do the timed portion (1st step) just in case the probe happens to be in a fat pocket. This ensures a good nights sleep & I know it won't reach temp prior to 1 hr per lb.
I am still able to get prime at Costco in Phoenix and Tucson. How long that will last is anyone's guess.
I was watching Man, Fire, Food on the Food channel the other night and they were at a BBQ joint in Texas.  The owner reported that they went through 4 tons of brisket a week. 8,000 lbs of brisket a week, talk about putting a dent in availability! Lol!
Wow, 8,000lbs of brisket is a lot of great eatin'. 

Kari- Forgot to mention I took your advice and sprinkled on some Tender-quick for an hour before the smoke and then rinsed and dried before I applied the olive oil and seasonings. Ended up with a much more even smoke ring with this step versus adding the Tender-quick to the brine. Great tip.. Thanks..   