Costco Cheddar melted during cold smoke


New member
Had an interesting experience smoking some Cheddar from Costco.  When I got it home I realized it was a higher priced cheddar.  OK, hoped it would be good.  Wrong!  Jack, swiss and gouda I smoked at the same time came out very well, but some of the cheddar melted and the rest slumped. 
The strange part is that the surviving cheddar is very dry and crumbly.  Trying to cut it yields a pile of cheddar "sand".  It tastes good and will end up in a cheese sauce.  I've smoked grocery store cheddar before without incident.  My thought is that the more expensive cheddar may have had a higher butter fat content.
Any theories on what happened?
I've had some low priced store brand cheddar that was very crumbly after it was smoked, but it could still be sliced (sort of) if left out to come to room temperature. 
Wonder if your cheddar was crumbly before you smoked it.
I cut the cheddar into smaller pieces before smoking.  I do not recall it being crumbly. 
Next time I'll try the store brand.