Considering the Model 2 unit...which one...


New member
Hello all new guy here to the group.  I have various smokers and grills already as I do the usual larger cuts of meat with them. I have started making jerky with my dehydrator and just picked up the necessary equipment to start making sausage. I feel that an electric smoker to add to my arsenal is my next purchase.  I will be doing small batches as I don't game hunt so the Model 2 is the right size for me I feel.
The question I have is which Model 2 unit is the right choice? The grill will be used primarily for cold smoking cheese/nuts, jerky, and sausage. I plan on doing ribs, brisket, and pork butts in my other grills.  The unit will sit right outside my back door under a covered patio.  I don't really see myself having to monitor a cook away from the house however I do want to be able to control the temp via an app.  I also saw where one can program a cook with temperature increments for sausage cooks.
I saw a couple posts where the software was an issue with holding temps and it made it appear that one model might have been preferred over another.  I understand it being an electrical smoker there is a good chance electronic issues can happen. I understand that completely. No specific brand is free from these types of issues.

I am more than willing to hear feedback, suggestions, etc as to which model might be best based on the information I provided as to what I'm looking for from an electric smoker.  Thank you all!
I bought my #3 with the intent of adding a bypass switch and Auber controller later on. That was several years ago, and haven't done it yet.
I do use a Thermoworks Smoke digital thermometer that I can check temps on remotely though.
So I suggest you get an analog #2, you can always add the Auber controller later if you feel the need.
I have a model 2 analog and it works great for me.  However, you want to cold smoke and control temperatures remotely.  For that functionality, I believe you either need to get the Model 2 digital or add the necessary hardware to the Model 2 analog.

Much has been made here and elsewhere about the temperature swings associated with the analog units.  I just did a smoke today where I aimed for about 220 box temperature  and the temperature swung from 199 to 237, or 38 degrees.  That's a fairly typical swing, in my experience.  It's never affected my smokes.

Good luck.