Combustion questions...????

G man

How do I know if I am experiencing combustion?  If the wood is all ash, should I assume it is burning?  In most cases, the wood is nothing but ash.

Yesterday I tried the "boat" method..(or what I think was a boat...foil just made into a little "box" without a top.)    After three hours, the wood was charred, and looked like real chunk charcoal.  Lighter in weight, but about the same cube.  It was cherry and mesquite.

I do not "ramp" up.  Should I be?

Thank you.

Typically you can ramp-up or foil. Using both is usually not needed nor recommended unless you are still having combustion when only using one of the options.

I have since switched to buying my wood from and no longer have to foil or ramp-up as the moisture and quality of this wood is so good.
When you start a smoke - usually within the first 30 minutes - if you start noticing "puffs" of smoke coming out of the top rather than a steady stream of smoke, that's a indication that combustion is underway.  After several heavy "puffs", we typically see a rapid exhale of smoke, which has been called the "burp" by many on the forum!  If you have seen this happen, then yes, your wood is catching on fire.  The reduced ash seems like an indication of fire as well.    The combustion problem typically only occurs in the first heating cycle.

The boat method should work for you as it reduces the amount of oxygen coming into contact with the wood.  I now place my wood in the back of the box closest to the back wall of the smoker, and this has eliminated combustion for me (I don't boat foil anymore).  The other suggestion is use really good wood with decent moisture NDKOZE, I now use smokilicious and it always works fine.